Esoteric K-01X & K-03X


New member
Jan 26, 2015
I’m using Esoteric X-03SE almost 5years and I love this CDP very much, currently many people are talking theirlatest X series (K-01X & K-03X), a lot of people said Esoteric improve the weakness on their CD Player in X series, which is not only high analytic but also increase emotion and musical, I wonder how you compare with K-03X andX-03SE?

If you give 100 score to K-01X then how many score you will give K-01X and K-03SE?
Is the "internal" DAC of the K-01x good enough to be used as an External DAC for music servers like Aurender ?
Is the "internal" DAC of the K-01x good enough to be used as an External DAC for music servers like Aurender ?

That's primarily how I used the K03 when I had it. I'm sure the K01x will surpass it in the mode easily!
Haven't tried that yet as my router is half a mile away. :P
But I am in a very happy place now with the usb input.
It is interesting that a simple set-up with a PC music server can trounce the K-01 with its venerable VRDS Neo transport.
So, it looks like the DAC section of the N-05 seems to play a more important role in the overall sound.

Have you heard the N-05 compared to other dac's?
I am still trying to work out how to play music files from a flashdrive ported to its rear panel usb A-port.
I am still trying to work out how to play music files from a flashdrive ported to its rear panel usb A-port.

Playing music files from USB flash drive using N-05 requires a network connection and the use of the iPad app(s).
It requires a network connection and the use of an iPad app.


Thanks a mill for that.
I was actually afraid of that as I will now have to find a way to bring my router closer to the rig or get that looong ethernet cable plus iPad.
I guess that can wait and shall rationalise the delay by saying that I am in heaven now with music controlled by the JRiver remote on my android phone.
And I can't be sure that the files from the flashdrive will sound better than from the PC now. Yeah!
When you decide to try the N-05 network input or USB flash drive, if network cable cannot be used, consider trying WiFi to Ethernet adapter, WiFi router that supports client mode, or powerline network adapter (less preferred).
When you decide to try the N-05 network input or USB flash drive, if network cable cannot be used, consider trying WiFi to Ethernet adapter, WiFi router that supports client mode, or powerline network adapter (less preferred).

I guess I can try all that but I'd rather not unless I am pretty sure the network input will sound better than the coax.
Can wait for someone else to try both and chime in. :)
I just traded in my K-01 for the N-05 network player for the sheer convenience of playing all my music(redbook/hires pcm/dsd) from the PC using JRIver.

I guess you can use JRiver to upsample any PCM to DSD64 and send it as DoP to the N-05 coaxial input.
I guess you can use JRiver to upsample any PCM to DSD64 and send it as DoP to the N-05 coaxial input.

Yes. Either that or route pcm to the N-05 which can then upconvert to dsd. More experiments ahead for comparison.....
Originally Posted by wklie

I guess you can use JRiver to upsample any PCM to DSD64 and send it as DoP to the N-05 coaxial input.

With Esoteric's no-frills bare-bones HRA player, I get native dsd to the N-05. With the HRA player, redbook/hires pcm/dsd sound fabulous, better than with JRIver.

Looks like Esoteric has improved usb implementation by leaps and bounds compared to the old K-01 and the Meridian 808v6.
Very tempted by the Esoteric K-01 (or 03), but....

Initially I intended to buy a NAGRA HD DAC + a lesser advanced CD-player since 80% of my listening will be High-Res music files, 19% Red-Book CDs ans 1%..SACDs, but... reading from the various reports from K-01x users, it seems that I could instead go for this 1 box Esoteric solution (CD + DAC).

This makes sense for me ONLY IF:

- The K-01x when used as a USB DAC is at the level of those high End external DACs,
AND has a musicality/emotion close to the NAGRA HD DAC (and far from analytic like the dCS that I did not liked because I use a BHSE tube AMP and a STAX SR009 electrostatic headphone, a very precise and analytic set-up which do not tolerate a dry & non-musical source. This is why I liked a lot the NAGRA HD DAC (hybride tube DAC) which bring a lot of emotion and engagement into my music, while TotalDAC, DAVE and dCS Rossini only bring details but NO emotion ;)).

- The K-01x is also stellar with RedBooks CD, and not only with SACD (I almost have NO SACD, only CD).

So... is the K-01x (with a G2 clock may be) for me ?
Just use copper cables if the sound is harsh, that'll tame anything. I have found the Esoteric sound to be neutral & revealing of anything else in the system.
Very tempted by the Esoteric K-01 (or 03), but....

Initially I intended to buy a NAGRA HD DAC + a lesser advanced CD-player since 80% of my listening will be High-Res music files, 19% Red-Book CDs ans 1%..SACDs, but... reading from the various reports from K-01x users, it seems that I could instead go for this 1 box Esoteric solution (CD + DAC).

This makes sense for me ONLY IF:

- The K-01x when used as a USB DAC is at the level of those high End external DACs,
AND has a musicality/emotion close to the NAGRA HD DAC (and far from analytic like the dCS that I did not liked because I use a BHSE tube AMP and a STAX SR009 electrostatic headphone, a very precise and analytic set-up which do not tolerate a dry & non-musical source. This is why I liked a lot the NAGRA HD DAC (hybride tube DAC) which bring a lot of emotion and engagement into my music, while TotalDAC, DAVE and dCS Rossini only bring details but NO emotion ;)).

- The K-01x is also stellar with RedBooks CD, and not only with SACD (I almost have NO SACD, only CD).

So... is the K-01x (with a G2 clock may be) for me ?

Since your headphone system sounds rather portable, I would take it to an Esoteric dealer and audition the K-01X with your own gear.
