Starting Point - Bob's new room and Alexia's new home

To be sure, Nick, these are "1st World" problems. Trivial in the long run -- though sometimes contracters and being lied to really push my buttons. And, though I am 56 yo, I can still act like a spoiled kid when I don't get my way!

If you're really Jonesing, you're always welcome back here! :)
I am same age and have lived thru 2 one year long major remodels.(BTW still married same women) Until you have a sh-tty contractor you never realize what a blessing an honest and timely good contractor is really worth.
Best of luck


AMEN to that.
At last, carpet arrived and profoundly changed the feel of the space. The dark hardwood floors really gave a man 'cave' feel, but the lighter color of the wool carpet adds a much more sophisticated feel to the room. This morning I started to put the rig together.

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Congrats Bob! What a journey you've been on. You must be glad to be reaching the final setup stage. Congrats and keep us posted on how it all sounds. I bet the 150/Alexia combo will be terrific.
At last, carpet arrived and profoundly changed the feel of the space. The dark hardwood floors really gave a man 'cave' feel, but the lighter color of the wool carpet adds a much more sophisticated feel to the room. This morning I started to put the rig together.

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Looks great but something is missing! :)
Looks great but something is missing! :)

Good eye Miles! The Wilson dealer is coming down on the 12th to perform the WASP, and bringing an HRS platform for the AMG v12. (to replace the stolen one)

I'm initializing the setup with a broken in Ref3/Ref110 combo. This way I can play music until the 12th to get a few hours on the Alexias, and the speaker setup can be done with used gear—I feel setting up with out-of-the-box REF10—REF75 pair probably not the best way to go. Then when speakers are in place, I can swap in the new REF gear, and burn some hours on those pieces too. After I've burned 600 hours on the stock KT120's in the REF75, I'll drop in a fresh pair of KT150's.

I've contracted an acoustical firm to work with my architect — the left side of room will have built-in drawers for vinyl, and the right side, where the wet-bar is, will become a little recessed alcove where I can place my rig and finally get it out from between the speakers.

Let the wild rumpus begin!
Don't spill any wine on that new carpet. :panic:

Heh, heh! I was sure to have performed the wine test before buying the carpet. I poured a nice Brunello on a sample of the carpet; even rubbed it in good 'cause the lanolin in the wool just had it beaded up and sitting there. Then with some pure water 95% of the stain came right up. After a little enzyme cleaner there was no trace of Brunello... passed the WAF.

On the topic of wine, I joined a "rare washington wines" club recently. First time they opened the roster in 10 years. Now starting to get deliveries of various Washington wines I'd not have much access to as the limited production usually has these sold out before I learn about them.

Its going to be a good autumn and winter. System finally coming together, and lots of wine to drink. Now I need to be sure there's an equal amount of new vinyl :yahoo1:
Beautiful, Bob! Here's to many happy listening and drinking sessions in your new room!
Nice room Bob. Complete with wine/beer fridge on right hand corner ? :)
Good eye Miles! The Wilson dealer is coming down on the 12th to perform the WASP, and bringing an HRS platform for the AMG v12. (to replace the stolen one)

I'm initializing the setup with a broken in Ref3/Ref110 combo. This way I can play music until the 12th to get a few hours on the Alexias, and the speaker setup can be done with used gear—I feel setting up with out-of-the-box REF10—REF75 pair probably not the best way to go. Then when speakers are in place, I can swap in the new REF gear, and burn some hours on those pieces too. After I've burned 600 hours on the stock KT120's in the REF75, I'll drop in a fresh pair of KT150's.

I've contracted an acoustical firm to work with my architect — the left side of room will have built-in drawers for vinyl, and the right side, where the wet-bar is, will become a little recessed alcove where I can place my rig and finally get it out from between the speakers.

Let the wild rumpus begin!

Can't put anything past these eagle eyes!

That wine club membership sounds awesome!!!
Very nice Bob. Sounds like your plan for break in is very methodical and the best way to approach it.

I was just going to say, "lucky you to have a space large enough to allow racking with room to comfortably get behind the gear rack and wire stuff up"....and then you mention that it will all be in a recessed cabinet off to the side in the end. I agree that getting gear out from between the speakers is a good thing, but man, so is easy access behind gear to properly route cabling and make it NEAT. Maybe you'll end up with rear access in the recessed area too? That would be the best of both worlds.

Regardless, congrats. The space looks fantastic!
Wow! I can't believe its the same room. Nicely done. Enjoy them in good health. I guess everything went well with insurance.
At last, carpet arrived and profoundly changed the feel of the space. The dark hardwood floors really gave a man 'cave' feel, but the lighter color of the wool carpet adds a much more sophisticated feel to the room. This morning I started to put the rig together.

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Nice !!!!

The Wilson dealer came on Sunday and spent six hours WASPing the Alexias. They are pretty close to the back wall, much more than I would have imagined. And the tweeters are 12.25' apart, which has my listening position about 15' back. I had some older, broken in REF gear for the setup, then just swapped in my new REF10 and REF75 yesterday. I found new positions for them today, and they now have 4 hours.

I spent a couple hours listening tonight in the almost darkness, with the meters turned off. That little REF75 is quite the amp. It drives the Alexias fine. And the room sounds quite good even with only the tube traps in the corner. If I run the volume up into the 90+ db range I hear things getting a little reverberant and confused with rock and orchestra, so there is some work to be done acoustically, but not so much I am not enjoying the hell out of having music again. (And tonight with a nice little Italian red! Wine that is!)

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