I've been letting the Bayz drink from the Pilium tap now for several days. The manual says they need about 50 hours, they're probably close to 100. (Nice to have SS amps for a change, with my prior ARC gear I was always concerned about running in new gear burning up tube hours.)
I've had the Wilson dealer do setups for me in the past, so I'm still a bit of a novice. The Diesis Roma and Alsyvox were very easy to setup and get sounding good. Amazing small amount of setup needed. The Bayz are a ported speaker, and to get the best bass and tonality does require a little more effort. Interestingly, they seem to couple best with the room within the Wilson "Zone of Neutrality".
I listened to a couple of my friends' systems over the weekend, then came back and listened to the Bayz. I had been monkeying around with setup, going to extremes in placement to see what the effects were. I had left the Bayz out in the room a bit too far and after hearing my friends rigs I was a little underwhelmed with the Bayz. Then I remembered — and pushed them back into position. Everything snapped into place, the bass was no longer lean and the tonality came back.
I'm really amazed by these speakers. Unlike my prior Wilson Alexia, these play much taller than they seem. The Wilson's never really played above the tops of the speakers—a little maybe with the right recording. The Bayz play really big when called for. Misa Creola, for example can have sound coming from what seems like the church balcony, and just fills the room.
As much as I enjoyed the Wilson Alexia for many years, they're completely in the rear view mirror.
And the Bayz are just crazy cool looking speakers. (With sound to match!)