Accuphase E-800

^ Because he knows he would be banned immediately I think

dznuts.......I feel honored that in your three and a half years with Audio Shark you became motivated enough to suddenly include me in one of your 117 posts. Thanks for piling on. It's great to have followers, even ones that don't like me for whatever reason. It seems to me you are holding on to a pointless grudge for no good reason. I am curious why that is.

Quite frankly, I believe my nearly 3400 posts in four and a half years of membership on Audio Shark have been positive thoughtful contributions to this forum and speak for themselves. I enjoy Audio Shark. It's a great audio forum, and I am glad to have made some friends here. Unfortunately, it is a shame there always seems to be people looking to bring someone else down. Such a useless waste of energy in my opinion.
Everyone, please keep this civil. I don't like the sniping and innuendos. Please don't use this as a place to settle grievances or try and make statements.
Hey Dan,

Any idea if something like this takes into account the Hz differences, 50Hz vs 60Hz ? I'm just curious if you or anyone knows.

A Buck/Boost single phase transformer can also be used to supply 100VAC components from a 120VAC outlet. Cost is less than $200.00.

dznuts.......I feel honored that in your three and a half years with Audio Shark you became motivated enough to suddenly include me in one of your 117 posts. Thanks for piling on. It's great to have followers, even ones that don't like me for whatever reason. It seems to me you are holding on to a pointless grudge for no good reason. I am curious why that is.

Quite frankly, I believe my nearly 3400 posts in four and a half years of membership on Audio Shark have been positive thoughtful contributions to this forum and speak for themselves. I enjoy Audio Shark. It's a great audio forum, and I am glad to have made some friends here. Unfortunately, it is a shame there always seems to be people looking to bring someone else down. Such a useless waste of energy in my opinion.

Hi, I dont know you but I do enjoy your posts.
We know the price in Japan is considerably less, but how is Accuphase priced around the world? Is it closer to the US retail pricing or closer to Japanese pricing? I always wondered this.

As far as I can tell the E-800 is about 15k euro in the Netherlands
I meant no disrespect to Jdandy; A long time forum contributor who's posts I have also enjoyed in the past.
I came across as rather rough in my criticism. Blame it on my enthusiasm for the brand and one too may Maker's Mark.
Not to beat the dead horse again, but I always wonder if Luxman can sell products outside of Japan with similar prices in Japan, why can’t Accuphase? It’s a shame really as Accuphase makes superb gear.

Also, it’s quite rare to see Accuphase and Magico together. I’m very intrigued about the sound Gene is getting from his S7’s. Very nice system BTW, Gene.
Not to beat the dead horse again, but I always wonder if Luxman can sell products outside of Japan with similar prices in Japan, why can’t Accuphase? It’s a shame really as Accuphase makes superb gear.

Also, it’s quite rare to see Accuphase and Magico together. I’m very intrigued about the sound Gene is getting from his S7’s. Very nice system BTW, Gene.

Why don't you call the US Distributor and ask? Or, you could simply know the right people and get one for considerably less than Luxman
I agree that even though I probably paid more than was necessary, the tremendous enjoyment I get from Accuphase more than makes up for the mark-up.
Whats one supposed to do? I have to pay what they say it costs and i'm not prepared to go though all the potential hassle of importing 110v models from Japan
and probably degrade the sound with a step-up transformer and loose all warranty coverage.
I'll swallow hard,hold my nose and pay because it's been ( and probably will continue to be) more than worth it.
Why don't you call the US Distributor and ask? Or, you could simply know the right people and get one for considerably less than Luxman

Sounds like you know the right people. Do tell.
$21,000 is quite a bit of money for an integrated amp IMO. A certain dealer (who shall remain nameless) is already telling us to expect a price increase and most of this year's allocation of E-800s have been spoken for.

I guess if you are loyal to brand, price is not relevant. I've owned a couple of Accuphase intreated amps - nice gear, well built. I prefer Luxman and think it offers better value.