Yellow Submarinesque Room Treatments

Looks good!!!!! I do that crap all week , no way I'd do it on the weekend. Lmao!!!
Nice work !
I'm a cube dweller M-F. The shitty part is I fell off a crappy aluminum ladder I've been meaning to get rid of in the garage looking for my hopper. It buckled and corkscrewed to the left while I grabbed a fluorescent fixture's chain with my right until the chain broke and ripped my fingers. Could have been much worse, my back is killing me, but I didn't land on my head.
I'm a cube dweller M-F. The shitty part is I fell off a crappy aluminum ladder I've been meaning to get rid of in the garage looking for my hopper. It buckled and corkscrewed to the left while I grabbed a fluorescent fixture's chain with my right until the chain broke and ripped my fingers. Could have been much worse, my back is killing me, but I didn't land on my head.
Oh that sucks. Hope you recover!! I'm remodeling the dining room in a retirement community this week, so I have to be there after they finish dinner and work until just before they get up for breakfast . So it's like 7pm-5am. And it's 3 huge rooms covered in wallpaper that has to come down. I'm not looking forward to it but I am looking forward to the check at the end. Lol gonna be a long 10 days.
After that I'm copying your plan and making panels . Lol!
I'll probably go to the doctor tomorrow, I got percoset, oxy, loritabs and Norco leftovers form 2 knee replacements and an L4/L5 fusion in 2011 but they aren't really knocking down, which tells me I need some muscle relaxers for the spasms. All out of those. Maybe I'll get a PT order to help things along. On the up side I'm enjoying some Traffic as rendered in Grado Gold goodness via Allison L110's in my home office. Everything they say about the Allison "nipple" tweeters is true.

edit: Just the back in 2011, the knees were in 2008 and 2009.