Wireless Lan for JVC 66u


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Long Island, New York
I have a JVC 66U projector, this year’s model. It allows you to have an ipad app to control the projector. However the projector must be connected to the internet. Since my projector is on the ceiling in the living room a wired connection is out of the question. I could do it wirelessly. Does anyone know of a wireless receiver/antenna that goes into Lan connector for this sort of thing?

I use this WAP/Router: ASUS RT-N66U

It's a bit finicky to setup, especially with MAC, but it has been the most trouble free WAP I have ever used! Worth the extra money. They have a newer version supporting 802.11ac, a newer faster standard, but not many devices I know support this. If in the market for a WAP/router, that is the one I would get.
Just pick up a airport express to extend your home wireless network. Run a 1 foot cord from the projector to the airport express which you can hide anywhere up there as they the newest one are very small.
Thanks Bob and Sean. I try and keep up with it. As soon as you guys see something please let Mike or me know. I am banning idiots left and right.

Glad I/we could lend a (small) hand. I'm sure it's tough to keep an eye on the entire board.
Glad I/we could lend a (small) hand. I'm sure it's tough to keep an eye on the entire board.

This thread caught my eye this morning but I skipped over it looking at a few others and forgot to come back to it. Over the past 24 hours I've deleted about 30 blog spam posts and banned about 15 spammers. Ugh!
This thread caught my eye this morning but I skipped over it looking at a few others and forgot to come back to it. Over the past 24 hours I've deleted about 30 blog spam posts and banned about 15 spammers. Ugh!

Wowsas! You are one busy man.