Wilson Owners - Let's see your system!

Are your Sasha's Imola Red? Whatever color they are, they are stunning!!!! May I feature them on Wilson's Facebook page?



Hi Lil' Deb, I had gone to my dealer with my wife about a 1.5 years back to buy a pair of Sophia 3s (after finally getting approval from the minister of finance). As we spoke with the dealer he said a customer had just traded a slightly used pair of Sasha's in Candy Apple Red, and I might want to consider those. When I saw them I thought WOW... I didn't really expect the red to be so captivating, instead expecting something garish (some might think that of this color!) Even my wife liked them. As I tend to go more for muted, natural colors, it was a little risky, but getting lightly used Sashas for the price of Sophia 3s made the decision easy. I then tried about 3 colors of red on the wall behind the rig but nothing worked. Ugh, matching a red tone is next to impossible. Finally I settled on the more neutral "falcon brown" you see in the photo.

As to using the pics on FB, I'd be honored.

Best regards,
Here's the system as of July 2013. Serious changes. No more McIntosh, now all Boulder and DCS. I've still got to get someone from JS to come out and do the proper Wilson setup and get them off the casters. Hopefully in August sometime. Jerron gave me some good advice on the Boulder gear, and you of course referred me to him so thanks Debby. You're the best!



Let's see your Wilson set-up!

I will go first :) I just recently upgraded from WATT/Puppy series 6's to Sasha's! They are still on castors - waiting for my dad to come up and dial them in (I am patient - especially when it comes to waiting to have their creator set them up ;) )

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Bryan - what a gorgeous looking system! How can you describe the Boulder gear vs Mc?
Oh Boy. [WARNING -- Current Mc Fans, please don't get offended] --

Just a little background -- I bought into the McIntosh gear for several reasons, primarily because it was touted to be so good, and secondarily because it was pretty. I suppose price also factored into that decision.

I got the Boulder 1010/1060 as a loaner from my dealer -- I'd heard it there, but wanted it in my room to do a direct comparison to my now sold MC601's and C2300. When I hooked it all up, I was shocked. Sometimes you go to better sounding gear and it peels back a layer in resolution, but going from McIntosh to Boulder skipped the layers and went right to the core. Soundstage just opened up on the Sasha's like I'd never heard. Dynamics were visceral; I got goose bumps. If I had to make a car analogy, the McIntosh system was a Plymouth Road Runner with the Hemi engine. Big, brutish, with tons of power and force, but you would never dare take it on a winding road like the Col de Turini in France unless you had a death wish. The Boulder gear on the other hand is a Porsche 911 Turbo.

Owning Boulder is the most pleasurable purchase I've ever made. They're right up there with the Sasha's. Very clean, very accurate, and have no coloration whatsoever. They just destroy the McIntosh combo. The high's were just so clear, accurate and detailed but not harsh. Not even a trace of sibilance. The McIntosh combo tried to reproduce highs and ended up producing sibilance and harshness -- all while failing to reproduce the highs and dynamics necessary. I wouldn't say they're tube-like, but the 1010/1060 combo is also not cold either. They're just spot on neutral -- so you have to be very careful what you feed them. Prior to the purchase I thought I'd be always looking for a new amp and preamp every few years. I can honestly say I'm done. The 1060 and 1010 are never leaving my home.

I honestly felt stupid for thinking the McIntosh gear was the best it got. I'm sure there's better than the Boulder out there too, but I seriously doubt that there's much. I've heard the Dag's and they're probably one that comes to mind, but I also wouldn't say they're the kind of better I found when going from McIntosh to Boulder. The Dag's didn't have the dynamics of the 1060. The Dag's also are not as neutral as the 1060 -- they're on the warm side. If you haven't heard Boulder, you really should take the time and visit a shop that carries them -- they're just awesome. From sound quality to engineering attention to detail. It's a shame that they don't get more publicity either as you see them in a lot of the stacks at the big shows (RMAF, etc.). I guess they (Boulder) don't get much publicity since their designs haven't changed every year. The 1060 and 1010 have been made for many years. I guess they got it right and see no need to change what are incredible products.

Sorry, I know this is supposed to be about Wilson. The fact is that Wilson and Boulder are a lot alike. Over-engineered designs that are made to last a lifetime. They also have great synergy.


Bryan - what a gorgeous looking system! How can you describe the Boulder gear vs Mc?
Thanks Bryan. My friend Jon is a big Boulder fan as well and he's been talking to me about them as well.

FWIW - I've had Mc gear in and out of my system for 20 years. I kept going back to it because it was total eye candy. But, it produces a veiled sound IMO. That being said - it still represents a tremendous value and the 601's/452 are excellent sounding - fast and less veiled. I also love the 275 mk6's in specific environments too.

Glad you found Boulder! It's certainly fine gear.
Bryan , Mike have to agree with both of your thoughts on Mac gear beautiful eye candy, but very much a veiled sound.
it was very hard for me to let go of my Mac gear. until I heard the difference.
Wow, What a beautiful system Bob !!!!!

Very nice of you to say so Mark. Your avatar is the one system my wife would let me tinker with for just one night. I've admired that system for years!
Very nice of you to say so Mark. Your avatar is the one system my wife would let me tinker with for just one night. I've admired that system for years!

I know what you mean Bob, I think I could get a one night pass for that system myself !! If only reality would allow it to happen !
Here's the system as of July 2013. Serious changes. No more McIntosh, now all Boulder and DCS. I've still got to get someone from JS to come out and do the proper Wilson setup and get them off the casters. Hopefully in August sometime. Jerron gave me some good advice on the Boulder gear, and you of course referred me to him so thanks Debby. You're the best!



You're welcome :) Happy to help out where I can!
