Where's Joe aka joeinid ? ...

Who is this Joe guy you are talking about ?


I know for a fact that Joe is not a real person. No one could possibly be that nice and have all that audio equipment. :doubtful:
Man do I feel the love. Thank you guys.

ps Ray. I hooked the GAT/ART combo again. Holy cr@p! This is the most musical my system sounds. CJ and tubes rule.
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My crime?

Joining Audioshark. Nothing more.

Are you serious ? That was it ? That is crazy !

They must have stopped banning people for joining Audio Shark as I didn't get banned. They probably have banned the first few.
For everyone who followed me and was banned, I am sorry.

I, for one, having found Mike, Mark, Bruce and everyone else, I love you guys. :heart:

Thank you for all the past, present and future fun times.

Joe, you are one trillion more times a better person to follow than most out there.
I will follow you to the four corners of the universe.
Re: Joe was banned (for life) for joining AudioShark!

Are you serious ? That was it ? That is crazy !

They must have stopped banning people for joining Audio Shark as I didn't get banned. They probably have banned the first few.

He went nuts banning people, but I think reconsidered the backlash and backed off. You and I have had many email exchanges, have I been anything other than honest and open? Abusive? Me? Consider the source.

Joe, you are one trillion more times a better person to follow than most out there.
I will follow you to the four corners of the universe.

Thank you Bob! I appreciate that.

Adam, you don't know even crazier than that! ...Trust me.

Very true.
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Also, the google's search function don't allow you to access the site; you need to register and log in!
This is completely ridiculous.
That means it is not a free public website.

And, you are not allowed to post links from other forums; even with essential and beneficial information to all members!
...No dealers that aren't already determined, and no dealing of your own from smart group purchase (like Mike was trying to do).
...No product info if it's outside their own financial interest!

Furthermore; check the site's reputation from the search engine!

And! The member's list is prefabricated, fake! There aren't 150,000+ members; there are only 5,000 members at best!
==> Just check the member's list; see all the fake names!

The saddest thing is this: most members over there or they aren't aware of the facts, or they simply go with the flow!
And that is no good because you are willingly (or unwillingly) encouraging the personal financial interest of the owner, who is a total snob in top of all the other deficiencies!

But what can you do; there is no police for this kind of Internet behavior.
People themselves have to make their own choice and decision.
And usually, when you're ready to do the right thing; that's exactly when you get banned!


If only you would have read the PMs I got from the owner and his first commander! ...You simply wouldn't believe the control, the dictatorship, the disrespect, the low life that was written!
No wonder they got banned themselves from other forums. ...And one of them we all know very well, and we also know what happened, and we also know why he started his own forum in the first place.
And we all know what kind of attitude he showed and still shows.
When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. - Victor Hugo
The members here are the read deal. No BS, respectful, courteous, honest, able to give their opinions on things and don't get defensive when someone doesn't agree with them. All of you guys here, and girl too (Hi Deb!) is why I keep coming back for more. :heart: