What Makes a Speaker "Great" ?


Behavior Moderator (be nice police!)
Apr 4, 2013
Lake Country, Georgia
I had the pleasure of going over to Jock's house to hear his new Raidho D3's on Labor Day. It was a real fun listening session,Jock is a great host !!

When I was driving home I had a 3 way conversation with Mike and Joe, going over my thoughts on the D3's, and talking about speakers in general. Which got me to thinking about what makes a speaker truly "Great". We all have opinions on speakers,but I wanted to share some of the things that a speaker must have,to me,for it to be considered great.

When I'm considering a new speaker,the most important thing for me is that it has a tweeter that delivers high frequencies that are sweet and natural. Let me explain what I mean by that. Having a slight case of tinnitus in my right ear has given me a real sensitivity to un-natural high frequencies when listening to the playback of recorded music. This never happens when I'm listening to live music, only music played back through most speakers. I've found very few speakers that can pass this test.

I also want the speaker to have a truly seamless integration of it's drivers. If I can hear any of the drivers calling attention to themselves in any way,I'm out !! When integration is seamless the speakers will disappear and music flows out of the air, like magic !! I also believe that seamless integration has an effect on how well the music itself comes together as a whole. Pinpoint imaging is fun to hear, but if all those images don't blend together you end up listening to instruments and not the song as a whole piece.

Fatigue free. I want to be able to listen for hours and hours. Speakers that make me want to turn the music down,or turn it off, are not for me.

This next one is sure to cause some disagreements among us, I'm just saying that this is my opinion and I have found this to be true in my experience.

A truly "Great" speaker will play all genres well. Jazz,Classical,Acoustic,Rock, Folk,Bluegrass.....etc. I've listened to many speakers that can play one or two types of music well, but can't play all genres. A "Great" speaker excels with all types of music.

Oh, in case you were wondering, The Raidho D3 "Is" a "Great" speaker !!!!!
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I agree with your requirements, and will add one more that is very important to me.

A great speaker must sound engaging and emotional as I walk around doing things. A speaker that sounds amazing in the sweet spot but sounds eh across the room does not work for me. I listen to my system a lot more from living life in my house than I do just sitting in my throne. :)

And if you liked the D3s last Monday - just wait til you hear them now. And they are still breaking in.
Wow great to know that you feel the larger D3s can play ALL genres of music! As special as I thought the monitors were, I felt that they didn't show how good they sound on more complex music. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
One more thing.

A great speaker will have amazing resolution and detail and still make badly recorded music sound good. Some systems sound great with great recordings but make badly recorded music unlistenable.
Hi Mark,

Thank you for putting your thoughts together. I tend to be sensitive to high frequencies as well and like a smoother sound. I do not always listen from a designated sweet spot. I like to have music playing almost all the time. If I am drawn into the room when a song comes on that I like or a song piques my interest, that's a great speaker. I think a great speaker should play everything well but I do realize some speakers do better with lower powered amps and some need massive power. Could I ever be satisfied with only one system? I do think it's possible but I will admit it might be a low to moderately powered tube system and appropriate speaker with a warmer sound. This seems to go against the current trend in audio which is aiming for higher and higher resolution.
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One more thing.

A great speaker will have amazing resolution and detail and still make badly recorded music sound good. Some systems sound great with great recordings but make badly recorded music unlistenable.

Jock, you just nailed 2 more of the things that I look for !!
. . . .a great speaker must sound engaging and emotional as i walk around doing things. A speaker that sounds amazing in the sweet spot but sounds eh across the room does not work for me. I listen to my system a lot more from living life in my house than i do just sitting in my throne. :). . . .

Big +1
What Makes a Speaker Great?

Good looks, impeccable wood work, solid/scientific engineering, best parts used including the drivers and crossover, solid/intelligent internal bracing, dedicated measurements and listening sessions, pleasantness (sound), natural, uncolored, neutral, musical, imaging, holography, presence, cleanness, clarity, width of soundstage, depth, height, full (20-20), no bias, no emphasis anywhere from the full audio spectrum range, relative flatness (perfect preference curve), power handling, free of resonance (in & out), heaviness, good anchor (integral spike's apparatus), exotic, first rate WAF acceptance, super friendly decor enhancement, friendly positioning, fine-tuning capability (drivers, DSP, room,...), good with ALL types of music; from a solo voice, or solo piano, to the largest full classical Orchestras or Operas with full Choir, Jazz, Rock, New Age, International, ...

Briefly, a sound (music) reproducer you're totally happy (satisfy) with. :)
For me, it is the ability of the speakers to disappear allowing you to listen to the music and not the speakers themselves. Of course, good looks and impeccable manufacturing are essential.
Can a speaker transfer the emotional impact? ...Up to a certain extent, but not really; it's the music recording which does.
The artist, the singer, the musicians communicating their message. ...And us receiving it the way we all do in our own unique way.
Could but I will admit it might be a low to moderately powered tube system and appropriate speaker with a warmer sound. This seems to go against the current trend in audio which is aiming for higher and higher resolution.
That's where I'm at Joe. I've been around the block and heard some really nice setups in my day. Admittedly I havent done many stereo stores in the last few years.
I've heard the huge speakers and big watt ss amps. But to me the best sounding stuff has always been the small watt tube amps, way smaller than my snappers. With nice smooth efficient speakers. Which I think is along what Jock mentioned , it's all about being engaging and emotional. But those setups with a nice smooth acoustic record are the ones that give me goosebumps and keep me coming back for more. Just one mans opinion !! Lol!!
It's funny but with all the new gear and all the new technology out there today . I could get what I want with 5- 10 year old equipment . That's why I'll never get rid of my preamp.
Havent heard one yet that can match the smooth liquidy highs as the hovland at any price .
It's just what I like to hear.
As far as speakers I can live without deep bass, and super resolution, I'm looking for wide and deep and huge soundstage. The rest is a bonus beyond that.
So someone please tell me , what speakers am I looking for?? Cause I can't figure it out!
Wow great to know that you feel the larger D3s can play ALL genres of music! As special as I thought the monitors were, I felt that they didn't show how good they sound on more complex music. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Michael, when you get a chance to hear the D3's you will love them !!!
Hi Mark,

Thank you for putting your thoughts together. I tend to be sensitive to high frequencies as well and like a smoother sound. I do not always listen from a designated sweet spot. I like to have music playing almost all the time. If I am drawn into the room when a song comes on that I like or a song piques my interest, that's a great speaker. I think a great speaker should play everything well but I do realize some speakers do better with lower powered amps and some need massive power. Could I ever be satisfied with only one system? I do think it's possible but I will admit it might be a low to moderately powered tube system and appropriate speaker with a warmer sound. This seems to go against the current trend in audio which is aiming for higher and higher resolution.

Joe, I agree with you,and with Jock about a speaker having great off axis sound, it's really important to me too. Lots of times I'm in the kitchen cooking when I'm listening to music. Lucky for us that that's one of the things our Revel's do so well !!
That's where I'm at Joe. I've been around the block and heard some really nice setups in my day. Admittedly I havent done many stereo stores in the last few years.
I've heard the huge speakers and big watt ss amps. But to me the best sounding stuff has always been the small watt tube amps, way smaller than my snappers. With nice smooth efficient speakers. Which I think is along what Jock mentioned , it's all about being engaging and emotional. But those setups with a nice smooth acoustic record are the ones that give me goosebumps and keep me coming back for more. Just one mans opinion !! Lol!!
It's funny but with all the new gear and all the new technology out there today . I could get what I want with 5- 10 year old equipment . That's why I'll never get rid of my preamp.
Havent heard one yet that can match the smooth liquidy highs as the hovland at any price .
It's just what I like to hear.
As far as speakers I can live without deep bass, and super resolution, I'm looking for wide and deep and huge soundstage. The rest is a bonus beyond that.
So someone please tell me , what speakers am I looking for?? Cause I can't figure it out!

Venere 3.0 with snapper amps could be very nice.
Venere 3.0 with snapper amps could be very nice.

Sweet then I'm there!! My birthday is at the end of the month and a pair should be arriving right around that time. Thanks Mike!!!
Oh I just noticed I used the word smooth way too many times in my post, sorry for the redundancy . Lol!
I agree with all the points made. I also think a great speaker (and there are so few really SOTA speakers IMO) should represent true "best of breed" qualities and not just "a little better than X". There are good speakers, very good speakers and SOTA speakers. SOTA speakers which sound not just better, but considerably better than their competitors due to coherence, resolution, balance and most importantly, promote emotional attachment to the music. Speakers which "unbox the box" and do a disappearing act are my starting point.

A truly great speaker tonally reproduces acoustic guitar, piano, vocals, saxophone and every instrument with life like realism. A truly great speaker should also not need amps the size of small mountains to drive them. A truly great speaker should not need laser precision for setup to sound their best. A truly great speaker should be able to be enjoyed by several people at the same time. A truly great speaker should have impeccable build quality, fit and finish. A truly great speaker should look like a great speaker. It shouldn't look like a high school shop project gone wrong.

Speakers which are truly "great" speakers are few and far between. The ones I've heard I can probably count on one hand. D3's are one of them. MBL 101 Xtreme's another.
Is there love for Canton ?
I only hear about Raidho all day
Dont get me wrong but they are many GREAT speakers out there
Like my Canton Jubilee :)
Is there love for Canton ?
I only hear about Raidho all day
Dont get me wrong but they are many GREAT speakers out there
Like my Canton Jubilee :)
Lol Nelson!!! I been looking at the canton website, there are some serious speakers on there.
But I'm having a hard time finding any that are compatible with my amps.
All their recommended amp sizes are way bigger than my snappers.
Oh btw the jubilee, although I never heard them Is a gorgeous speaker.
Ill give them some love, any idea where I can hear them near nj?