What are you listening to tonight ?

Sarah Jarosz - Follow Me Down

Kind of Jazz from Chrissie Hynde: Valve Bone Woe.

Not really a lots of jazz subtlety, accomplished performance nevertheless.

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Alicia Keys - The Element of Freedom

Blackfoot - Strikes

And, enough of my favorite Marshall Tucker Band tracks to make at least an album. This is one of those bands where I like several tracks but not really an entire album. REM is another such band.
Anyone give The High Women a listen? I liked the title track, let it go for another couple tracks then stopped. I wasn't feeling it.

I tried the Chrissie Hynde album but didn't get into it. I am strange and just don't like her voice. I was never a pretenders fan either. The one song I do like by her is a track she covered on the Jimi Hendricks tribute album. I'm also the one person who does not like Diana Krall.
Patricia Barbara - Quboz (Pronounce Ke-Buuz from what the Quboz guys told me at RMAF). Give it a minute, and try some other albums, she records well!

I was not familiar with Patricia until RMAF. I sat in front Jason from Stereophile and asked him about her after and he talked to me about her new album “Higher”, which right now is not on Tidal or Quboz, I will either buy it on vinyl or download.


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Just got home from Colorado, where I attended RMAF and also looked for a new home in Evergreen. For the first time, I didn't buy any vinyl at RMAF. Did buy some $5 XRCDs, though. First up, Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers, "Mosaic".