Not only that Eric, but just for an example:
* Post #671 --> Click on the picture cover.
** Post #671 --> Click on
Reply With Quote, and look at how everything was inserted;
link [URL address] and picture . :) ...Don't bother with [COLOR] at the beginning; it's my own personal touch, to position the picture exactly where I want it.[/QUOTE]
I have no clue what you did there. That said, I don't want to have that type of thing. I only want a picture otherwise nobody has a clue as to what the hell I'm listening to because a good deal of the stuff I listen to is not well known. I thought it might have been something simple, it probably is which means it's hard for someone with an IQ of around 139, but near zero short term memory (that's me). Having said that though, I just realized it would be hard for me to do anyway because a good deal of the stuff I listen to can't be found on any databases outside my own anyway, so there wouldn't be a picture. It's easier just to do text only anyway.