Week 3


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Well everyone, its been another great week at Audioshark. We added another 35 members this week again! The site broke records several times for most users online - which is great! It means people are enjoying the site and using it.

During the past week, you noticed some changes with the site. We added more emoticons (over 100 to be exact), implemented the revolving banner ads, reduced the space between the end of a post and users signature (ok, you might not have noticed this one!), brought in several RSS feeds, implemented an anti-spam service (ok, you probably didn't see that one either!), removed the 30 second limit between posts, increased the limit on posts and private messages, added some SEO benefits, a number of bug fixes and more!

During the next week (or two), we hope to finally get approval on the mobile apps, implement some Google analytics to understand how are site is climbing in the search engines, implement a forum wide upgrade (a new version is out which addresses a number of bug fixes), restore the member directory for members only (guests will not be able to view the member directory), bring in an RSS feed from HiFi Choice, setup a development environment for further testing of new site features and functionality and more!

Thank you everyone for continuing to make AS the best Audio Forum on the net!

Hey I cannot post new posts any longer! ...It updates my above post! ...What the heck!

* Check the Classical music thread, I had no success after four attempts. What is going on?

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Test #2


Very sad because now some music I listened to yesterday, it says that I'm listening to right now.
Too late, the damage is done now. And I just don't know nothing in how this is happening.

I'll go smoke a big one now ....
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Mike, we're not allowed to post two posts one next after the other now?

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Bob... Mike knows about it. They are working on it.

Ahhhhhhhh, there is indeed a serious issue; I knew I wasn't dreaming.
I'll come back later when it's fixed, because right now I don't want anymore "Updated" added up to my previous posts because it screws the date totally, and it makes no more sense at all.

* Isn't it funny in how we are so much used to our life's routine, and then when things get confusing with our computers we can sometimes feel like it's time to go to the strip joint and get high. :D

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BS = Best Site

Well, I thought BS meant "bullsh!t"! :D Yup, the Internet's mysteries and all that jazz that could be wrongly interpreted, right? ;)
Mike & Joe.

After 8 hours hard work ( I don't know my boss is agree on this :) )everyday and coming back home listening my beautiful stereo system with note book or Ipad on my lap and searching in this forum has been best of best my time to spend the evening time !@!

Thank you for make this happen and keep up the good work ~!

P.S : BTW now would you put me better position then senior member ? :P
Re: Week 3 | Test test test

Look at the title of my post; I would love to pick my own.
And the only way to post correctly now is if I'm not right above (Paul is, so it's ok).

Not the end of the world. :)

EDIT: Ok, if I'm not above I can delete the title and put a new one, that I can live with, but still it was better before.

A question: If I delete a previous post I made in another thread, will it restore the correct date of the post above?
This is scary man. ...Nah, I won't do it because it'll screw my present post as well. Heeeeeee....
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Remember how I was excited to break the record ? ( Users on-line ):exciting:Since we are breaking the record everyday doesn't surprise me anymore..:sigh::lol:

As soon as the check clears, we will upgrade you appropriately. ;) Glad you like the site.


:) That no posting quickly rule is only for you ;) Ha!
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:) That no posting quickly rule is only for you ;) Ha!

Funny you mentioned that Joe, because for a moment I thought that the CIA was after me.

* I had a great day today; I transformed my Internet interface completely (spring lifting; not fully cooked yet), and I then went for a walk on one of the mountains around, for a spectacular view.
Next time I'll try some pictures. ...I went with Moses, a good friend, pro musician.

A whole lot more is happening in the last few days, weeks, and the future has never look so bright.
But! It is the present moment that is truly magical, and AudioShark is also part of the decor, along with the gorgeous weather outside, and all the wildlife in it.

Music is great, love is great, wildlife is great, food is great, and I feel great, I think.
{Chorale music is playing right now, and the birds are singing outside my open windows.}