no room for large monoblocks or large stereo amps . pain but my desk location limits me to 17.4 inch wide amps or small monoblocks. This allows me short speaker and short interconnect cables.
Nick - what about a pair of Mc 601's for the CR-1's? The slight veiled sound might just be the ticket (don't flame me Mc fans, I love Mc and am thinking of getting a 452/2500 for my downstairs system). I heard some 601's on some speakers which would normally be considered "overly revealing" and damn did it sound good. When they switch to another amp, it was uncomfortable to say the least. Just a thought....
All the reviews and personally reports on these speakers are always stellar. I've never read a negative report. But every other speaker out their that are great always have a one or two buts to it. Is it me or are TAD'S the best out there today. :what:
Nick - what about a pair of Mc 601's for the CR-1's? The slight veiled sound might just be the ticket (don't flame me Mc fans, I love Mc and am thinking of getting a 452/2500 for my downstairs system). I heard some 601's on some speakers which would normally be considered "overly revealing" and damn did it sound good. When they switch to another amp, it was uncomfortable to say the least. Just a thought....
Cyril, Mike,
I can see both points clearly. I do not think McIntosh would would be a step back.
As much as I like my Dartzeel gear, I also like to switch off to the Dagostino. The TADs are a clear window to what's upstream. I do admit I am probably not like other audiophiles because I do enjoy all my gear and all my music. I enjoy my poorly recorded music as much as my better recorded music. I can not give up music that I like because it does not sound perfect on my system. Sure some combinations were/are better, but at no time could I not stand what I was listening to. I do listen to the music more than I listen to my system, I believe.
How tall a ceiling do you need with those? Holy mackerel. Well, I would call those definitely "theft proof".
Cyril, Mike,
I can see both points clearly. I do not think McIntosh would would be a step back.
As much as I like my Dartzeel gear, I also like to switch off to the Dagostino. The TADs are a clear window to what's upstream. I do admit I am probably not like other audiophiles because I do enjoy all my gear and all my music. I enjoy my poorly recorded music as much as my better recorded music. I can not give up music that I like because it does not sound perfect on my system. Sure some combinations were/are better, but at no time could I not stand what I was listening to. I do listen to the music more than I listen to my system, I believe. I tried to explain in the post above, my using your situation to make the point about how I approach system building/matching was wholly inappropriate. As I say, If I had your gear, my ass would be glued to the couch forever I have interpreted your posts in various threads probably too literally. The CR-1s are some of the best speakers in the world period. You being a perfectionist want to get that last 1% under control and that is quite right .
Joe i do understand your point 100%, in french whe have a word for guys like you it is called MÉLOMANE for those guys it's all about the music FIRST in my case they call us audiophiles because for guys like us it's all about the SOUND #1 to each is own for me if it sounds lousy i can't get into the groove.
Hi Cyril,
Sometimes I speak (or write) too quickly. My TADs are downright the absolute best speaker I've ever heard/owned. I know there are no absolutes in this hobby and yes, I get picky. I know there is more than just swapping gear to get the best sound and I am somewhat limited to what I can do room treatment wise. Some of my gear play comes from the fact I've been dreaming about high end gear like this forever and now that I've been able to swap some nice pieces in and out, I go overboard and want to experience it all. I am actually really happy with my setup(s) now and love, love the fact I can turn left or right and swap in another stellar amp/preamp. It's all good.
This combination has crossed my mind many times. I've always wondered how MC601's/MC1.2KW's would sound on my TADs. Maybe I'll get to hear it for myself soon.
I always enjoyed the sound of my MBL 111F's driven by the 1.2k's and after hearing the Momentum amps in different set-ups at my dealer thought there was no way I would purchase them. After 15 minutes in my system I realized what the 1.2k's couldn't do for the MBL's.
Thanks Jim,
Sometimes we have to try a different combos to see what we like.