T.H.E. Show Newport Beach

Thats quiet a lineup of exhibitors!

I would be in heaven, as I have not been back there in 20 years.
Lived in Ocean Beach SD for 7 years.

If anyone makes it, be sure and take lots 'o pics to post please!:cool:
I've never been, but I think I'm going this time if I can handle it. I don't feel comfortable at things like this normally, but I am curious on this one. I don't do well with snobs and I know a few that will be there, but I can and need to avoid them. There are also subjects I do not discuss with anyone to avoid problems. For example: I hate cables and will obviously not be visiting any of those booths if I go and I do not discuss cables with anyone, no matter who they are. I also have to consider the high probability that there will be nothing there for me to look at or investigate or what have you because I am not an audiophile. I am trying to put myself into a state of emotional strength and calm mind so I can check it out. If I am unable to assure myself that I am in the mindset I need to be in, then I won't be going. I'm sensitive to energy from people and always have been which is a good part of the reason I don't do well at things like this or parties and such. It's exhausting for me and I always need to cut out early at things I attempt to attend. If I go I'll probably only last maybe 3 hours if lucky. Usually I'm good for about 2.5 hours max. That's why this is a solitary hobby to me which it is actually designed as such at it's core. Then there's work. If things get rough at work I won't be able to go if I wanted to, just the way it is.
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Well, I went and attended The SHOW for the first time. Here is my experience: This is my experience alone. It is unique and individual to anyone else who went.
I arrived and was immediately lost which is normal for me.:D However, there were some very helpful people in yellow vest that soon had me in the right direction. I signed in and paid my money and then they print up a huge name tag you have to wear. I didn’t dig that because I like to be practically invisible at such things, but I had no choice if I wanted there. At the end it didn’t matter because everyone was wearing them and nobody ever noticed each other’s name tags. That’s kind of funny when you think about it.

So there I am and they gave me a book that had listings and maps, but I had printed my own as I did not know they had them. Turns out mine was easier to use for me. They also gave me a pen and a canvas like bag, so that was pretty good.
So I started visiting the places I had marked first. (Turns out I had plenty of time to visit all of it).
Turns out I had less to worry about than I thought as everyone was either with folks they knew or single-minded of purpose on a missing much like myself. I didn’t meet or talk to many folks, almost none due to the previously mentioned. I feel the event was just as compatible to folks attending solo as with partner or group. So I can’t really say it was fun to me as it was interesting. Sadly, many manufactures I was interested in were no shows. For example Oppo was not there, nor was Parasound or Sennhiser, etc. :(

I also felt that the majority of the focus was on speakers. Whenever I inquired about the gear such as CD players or Amps, etc. the reps would turn the focus back to speakers without giving hardly any time to what I was asking about. So I thought that was weird at best. That said, the shocking and most surprising thing was that I heard a lot of speakers and none of them were as good sounding as mine! Each of them had some lacking issue. Either the bass was loose or there was roll-off in either the highs or lows or mids or they did not sound as efficient or transparent, detailed, etc. It was shocking because with the exception of the bookshelf speakers, all the speakers there were at least 10 times what mine cost or more! Of course speakers are almost 90% subjective, so I’m sure nobody heard the same as me or anyone else. Also some guys were using processors like exciters and such so in my mind not only does it color the sound, but it’s sort of cheating in my book.
One room had these sample and test CDs and the guy told me that if I fill out the little card (for spam purposes obviously) that I would get the CD free. So, why not, I did it. Yay, free CD to start the day, can’t go wrong with that. Also the speakers he was showing were very interesting, huge and in my opinion pretty much the best sounding big speakers of the show. They were pretty good in my opinion. They were nearly cabinetless too! I could not figure out why they sounded good for having nearly no cabinet.
Next I visited the KEF room because. Parasound was supposed to be there, but were no shows. He then wanted to show me the speakers, but I am not He then asked what speakers I have and what I was driving them with. I told him and also mentioned that I’m very under-powered and was thinking of getting a more powerful receiver someday. He then told me that in order to get a receiver much improved over what I have it would cost quite a bit. He then suggest I save a lot of money and just get an amp and plug it in to the pre-amp section of the current receiver and solve my problem for less than $1000 and still have all the functions. I like that idea. He then handed me a test CD they have and told me to take it with me. So that’s 2 CDs free, always nice.:)

Next highlight: I came across Emotiva. They had their CD player, new DAC, monoblocks and one of the stereo amps there. I told the guy I was looking at CD players primarily, but want to do something about my lack of amp power for my speakers down the road. I told him I had concerns about their CD player and the guy couldn’t believe it, claiming there were no issues. Then a couple of minutes later, two more people walked in and mentioned the CD player issues as well. I then moved on to talk about their amps and DAC as I have heard nothing but good things about those. Suffice to say, I believe I found my amp and a DAC for future.
Next, I was walking down the hall and heard great jazz drumming and honed right in on the signal as I am known to do being a percussionist myself. There was a demo going on of a turntable and after listening I had to know who the artist was. I was shown the record, the artist is Patricia Barber. The sound quality of the record was fabulous. The record title was Café Blue. I’m told that all her records sound fantastic in quality. The record being played wasn’t audiophile or 180 gram or anything, just standard issue. So I discovered a new artist for myself that day.
Then I stopped in at the Vanatoo speakers room. What drew me in was that I saw these too tiny bookshelf speakers, but heard around 44khz bass coming out of them! I thought to myself there has to be a sub in the room someplace, so I walked in and started looking around, but there was no sub. So I sat there as he showed me the speakers. I was amazed, they sounded great for their size, in fact amazing for their size! Like the KEFs they have an A/B mp and a built-in dac, but are a slave/master config instead of powered separately. On top of that, they are affordable here on planet earth!

Final thought: I noted that only about 3 demo rooms were using CD players and 3 were using vinyl. All the rest were using computers playing MP3s. I would much rather have vinyl and CD in demo, but that’s me. I just thought it was kind of lackadaisical for everyone to be using computers even though they had CD players and or turntables on hand and ready.
All in all an interesting day, but The SHOW I feel is one of those things that you go to once and that’s it, no need to go every year as far as I personally see. Again though this is my personal experience alone.
Welcome back!

Thanks for the update Eric. I'd like to eventually attend one of the audio shows. Maybe next year. Looks like the world is changing around us with computer audio the new rage. It still has some growing up to do and it's kinda nice to just pop in a cd and push play without having to worry about tweaking anything. Looks like you found some great gear and new artists. I'm glad you attended and gave us a peek into what you experienced.
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Good to have you back Eric!!! :heart:

Good to hear you had a great experience at the show..
No pics?
Thanks Eric, we're glad you're back and thankful for your report. It's always fun to find new music that you like !!
I too went to The Show and since the majority of the product there are speakers, I narrowed my top four Brand.
1) Vandersteen 7
2) Totem
3) Legacy
4) Magico Q7
There are also lots of bookshelves speakers out there that sounded like big tower speaker.
On the first floor of the Hilton were they were selling vinyl and cd's, I bought some new remastered audiophile LP and a couple of XRCD's. Kimber Cables and Synergistic Research who were demoing there top of the line ac power cord that are connected to the Magico Q7 powered by VAC system. Personally, I think it was a good show but, I think last year were better. I also think while waiting to go to the CES in Las Vegas The Show will do for now.
Eric, glad you are back.
You mention Patricia Barber "CAFE BLUE", that album I used it a lot for demo in my
Business and always get me good deals.
Highly recommend it .
I love :A taste of honey, from the album
And the best part is that the album is not too expensive

Eric... Thanks for reporting on your experience on "The Show". It's cool you got some free stuff!!!

P.S. Glad to see you came back to the Shark!!!
Eric, welcome back!:hi:

At the NY Audio Show, I picked up the Cafe Blue album. Great CD, heard it's even better on vinyl!:audiophile:
Eric, glad you are back.
You mention Patricia Barber "CAFE BLUE", that album I used it a lot for demo in my
Business and always get me good deals.
Highly recommend it .
I love :A taste of honey, from the album
And the best part is that the album is not too expensive


Yes, it sounded so good! However, it actually is very expensive...to me anyway. Lowest price I saw was $65! I would listen to it via streaming MP3, but I can't because I would not be able to put up with the bad sound quality.