Suggestions needed for a vinyl newbie


Is that Shure Premium a 75,91 or a 95 body? Also if you are looking for a "wood" TT you might want to look for a JVC QL series, the Denon DP's or a Sanyo Q50.
Thanks for the great info! Bonus points go to Bob for the pics! :coolyeah: I thought it looked pretty dirty but wow, that's really bad. I haven't played anything on it since the day I got it because I want to make sure everything is correct before I damage anything. It's not like the LPs I got are pristine, but I don't want to damage them any further.

I am going to pick up a Magic Eraser and I am also going to order some of that good stylus cleaner. I'm assuming that when I clean it that I take the stylus off or?

I'm heading out of town for the weekend so I won't get to play around with it until next week. On the plus side, I'll probably be able to hit up a record shop or two to see if I can't pick up a few albums and hopefully take advantage of some black Friday deals.
After some searching and luck, I managed to find a minty one owner Pioneer PL-530 on Craigslist. The owner also threw in 10 LPs to get my library started. The only downside is that it was a 5 hour round trip to go and get it, but I didn't mind the drive since it was a nice day.

I want to thank everyone for their input and give a special thanks to Rob (Ohbythebay), for his patience and expertise.

Here's a quick cellphone pic of it playing The Dark Side of the Moon:

View attachment 3890

Well done Matt!!! I have a PL530 as well. Nice and weighty, is it not? Weighty is good! Another nice thing about this table is that it's both automatic and manual. Not only is this a good first table,but will be satisfying a bit beyond that.
Thanks for the great info! Bonus points go to Bob for the pics! :coolyeah: I thought it looked pretty dirty but wow, that's really bad. I haven't played anything on it since the day I got it because I want to make sure everything is correct before I damage anything. It's not like the LPs I got are pristine, but I don't want to damage them any further.

I am going to pick up a Magic Eraser and I am also going to order some of that good stylus cleaner. I'm assuming that when I clean it that I take the stylus off or?

I'm heading out of town for the weekend so I won't get to play around with it until next week. On the plus side, I'll probably be able to hit up a record shop or two to see if I can't pick up a few albums and hopefully take advantage of some black Friday deals.

No, you never take the cart off to clean it. Just a dip of the needle into the magic eraser before playing each side is all you need. What's really important as well is clean records. That's a whole separate subject.
Record cleaning machines come at several price points; anywhere from few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

The best one (imo) is the KLAudio machine ($4,000).



If you are truly serious about spinning vinyl in a serious "spinning" way, you are simply not! ...If you haven't a KLAudio record cleaning machine; you're just having fun playing records. :)
That's just my own personal/humble and serious opinion though; me opinion.
{I don't have one, I just read about it; Analog Planet.}
Thanks for the great info! Bonus points go to Bob for the pics! :coolyeah: I thought it looked pretty dirty but wow, that's really bad. I haven't played anything on it since the day I got it because I want to make sure everything is correct before I damage anything. It's not like the LPs I got are pristine, but I don't want to damage them any further.

I am going to pick up a Magic Eraser and I am also going to order some of that good stylus cleaner.
I'm assuming that when I clean it that I take the stylus off or?

I'm heading out of town for the weekend so I won't get to play around with it until next week. On the plus side, I'll probably be able to hit up a record shop or two to see if I can't pick up a few albums and hopefully take advantage of some black Friday deals.


What a great now MATT is overwhelmed and broke..LOL. Bob, the Shure Premium is yellow...that's all I know.

On a serious note, some tips and pics.

Get that stylus clean until it looks like the pics below (explained) see more at the end of this thread.

Record cleaning - like everything else in this hobby, goes from dirt cheap to Lexus. Dirt cheap method - they can be washed and dried.

Use only COLD water from the tap. Get a paint pad (the type you use for edging) and clean each side with water and put a drop or so of dawn on the paint pad. Go around the album with the pad(circular) and it will not hurt the vinyl. Rinse well, dry with lint free cloth. Now people will say don't use tap water, minerals and such..its okay...its a start. There are a million threads on the net on record cleaning. I even have a video on you tube of a machine I built ...LOL

Okay, stylus cleaning. I LOST the very first picture of just how dirty the Shure stylus was but it took two cleanings so I have the interim and then final. I also have two pictures of my AT440MLa very clean. You will see the difference in the SHURE (conical) versus the AT440MLa (microline square shank)

Still dirty


AT440 - one view

Another view - gleaming AT440
Record cleaning machines come at several price points; anywhere from few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

The best one (imo) is the KLAudio machine ($4,000).


If you are truly serious about spinning vinyl in a serious "spinning" way, you are simply not! ...If you haven't a KLAudio record cleaning machine; you're just having fun playing records. :)
That's just my own personal/humble and serious opinion though; me opinion.
{I don't have one, I just read about it; Analog Planet.}

Sorry, but I'm afraid I must disagree. I know it's not your quote, it's Analog Planet, but that quote about spinning vinyl goes against everything this hobby is about. Listening to vinyl is supposed to be fun. If it isn't then what is it's purpose? Also, let's not scare Matt away from cleaning records by possibly letting him think that you have to get a $4k machine if you only have a handful of records or even 600 records. (If you have 4 digits of records a serious consideration of a KLAudio type machine would be in order). First of all, it is not proven that the $4k KLAudio machine is THE best RCM out there. It is, however one of a number of great RCMs, no doubt about that. What puts it's nose out front for me personally is the reports that it is quiet and fully auto, but I personally could never justify an extra $3300 for that. I can list off other RCMs just as good ranging from $650 to $4k. (I'd love to try a KLAudio for science purposes someday as I have zero interest in owning one, but I don't see that opportunity happening).
I'm sure Matt will get around to RCM's in due time. Plus there are other threads on that topic already. We shouldn't cloud this one up as well...

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Does that Premier have a flat bottom or a rounded bottom. Either way you can put a JICO sourced EVG elliptical on if for less than $15 and have a pretty good rock or test cartridge.
You think so Dave, are you in a rush? :D

But the KLAudio, even if slow, does much more than just cleaning your records; it rejuvenates them like you've never heard them before (according to the masters of analog rigs). It is a totally new musical experience; a true concrete difference from before and after cleaning. ...And even compared to other record cleaning machines out there (VPI, etc.) that cost in the $1,000-5,000 range.
==> Just goggle KLAudio, and read reviews, and comments by real owners.

Yes, I know what you mean Dave; but isn't it all part of the rituals? Vinyl is for "slow" people (you know what I mean), and music servers are for ultra fast people.
Slow things are expensive, and fast things are cheaper. ...Except for cars, and women. :D ...Just a way of speech; here regarding RCM.


I've read Eric's earlier post, and I agree (in part) with what he's saying.
No way Matt is even considering such a financial extravaganza for his analog rig (cost more than ten times just to clean them albums).
The point was to simply mentioning what from my readings I consider the revolutionary record cleaning machine today, and that is all.
I could easily post some links to support my findings, but not here in this thread because Matt is most likely to clean his LPs the old fashion way, which is affordable to him; and Rob and Jack and Jeff are here to help him in that regard.
Me I never owned a record cleaning machine; I did it my own way by hand and it wasn't good. ...So I won't bother to explain my method.

Some affordable ways (free) are easily found online (youtube videos), and they simply use tap water from your regular kitchen sink.

Get it on, from what you can afford, and be in the Holidays spirit (less than a month to go). :)
Bob, I understand your point, but as someone who has been into vinyl for fifty plus years my VPI RCM suits me just fine, besides 4k can buy me a lot of new Lp's !! ……….. or perhaps a new shotgun !!
Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would invest $4K for a record cleaning machine. I purchased the Audio Desk a year ago and have never had a moment of buyer's remorse. It's just a pleasure to use. I'm sure the KLaudio unit is as good or better.

Prior to that I had a Spin Clean unit that did a good job, was inexpensive, somewhat slow, but I never used it. The Audio Desk is so convenient and does such a good job, I use it all the time. Push one button and it's cleaned and completely dried a few minutes later.
Bob, I understand your point, but as someone who has been into vinyl for fifty plus years my VPI RCM suits me just fine, besides 4k can buy me a lot of new Lp's !! ……….. or perhaps a new shotgun !!

Dave, are you familiar with Michael Fremer's website, Analog Planet, I bet you are.
Also are you in the known of WBF website? ...And some of its high caliber members? ...Mike Lavigne for example. ...Christian.
If you already are I won't provide any links, and if not I'll post some links in that other KLAudio RCM thread I started not too long ago.

Fifty years into vinyl is serious music listening.

* My main interest in life is to discover all the mysteries contained in it, and my hobbies are valid and rewarding (music, cinema, nature, and people).
So that's mainly why we are talking you and I right now; it's a forum that reunites us because of similar hobbies we share in life.
And there are many more people like us, and what each one of us does personally in his life (true reality) is restricted by what we don't do.
And that part of "what we don't do" is the part I'm mainly interested in because some other people they do. I learn from them people, irregardless of if I do or don't do.

Money is not important for me; I'm at a point where I'm way beyond that. I respect equally people who are rich, and people who are poor.
I just want to share with everyone what I learned from life regarding the same hobbies we developed and cherished over our lifetime . ...The music in its best emotional reproduction possible.
...And for all the classes; rich, poor, middle.

See, I'm totally neutral; no bias, no ego. My life is part of everyone's life (we all live on the same planet).

- Your VPI RCM, how much did she cost you? ...Just to check if it's a viable option for Matt. :)


Matt is going to need a phono stage too (phono preamp).
Bob, I understand your point, but as someone who has been into vinyl for fifty plus years my VPI RCM suits me just fine, besides 4k can buy me a lot of new Lp's !! ……….. or perhaps a new shotgun !!

Same here on the VPI. Oh dear! what would the shot gun be for? The stubborn records that don't clean up? LOL!
I don't think the VPI is in Matt;s Wheelhouse right now (not after I get through with him

VPI's run about 400 used, 600+ new...

I would lean Matt toward the spin clean for now...with 10 albums and just shucking out some cash, it might be a good option...

Vinyl Record Cleaner and Washing System | Spin Clean Record Washing System

Absolutely, with just 10 LPs a spin clean is the best choice for now. I'd wait until reaching around 300 to 400 albums before investing in a VPI or what have you. Meanwhile, a spin clean with maybe a homemade vacuum rig will do nicely. It's not the machine that cleans, it's the method and fluids and of course the elimination of said dirts.
Dave, are you familiar with Michael Fremer's website, Analog Planet, I bet you are.
Also are you in the known of WBF website? ...And some of its high caliber members? ...Mike Lavigne for example. ...Christian.
If you already are I won't provide any links, and if not I'll post some links in that other KLAudio RCM thread I started not too long ago.

Fifty years into vinyl is serious music listening.

* My main interest in life is to discover all the mysteries contained in it, and my hobbies are valid and rewarding (music, cinema, nature, and people).
So that's mainly why we are talking you and I right now; it's a forum that reunites us because of similar hobbies we share in life.
And there are many more people like us, and what each one of us does personally in his life (true reality) is restricted by what we don't do.
And that part of "what we don't do" is the part I'm mainly interested in because some other people they do. I learn from them people, irregardless of if I do or don't do.

Money is not important for me; I'm at a point where I'm way beyond that. I respect equally people who are rich, and people who are poor.
I just want to share with everyone what I learned from life regarding the same hobbies we developed and cherished over our lifetime . ...The music in its best emotional reproduction possible.
...And for all the classes; rich, poor, middle.

See, I'm totally neutral; no bias, no ego. My life is part of everyone's life (we all live on the same planet).

- Your VPI RCM, how much did she cost you? ...Just to check if it's a viable option for Matt. :)


Matt is going to need a phono stage too (phono preamp).

I follow the philosophy of don't believe everything you read on the internet. I prefer to verify things for myself as best I can given the opportunity. If I can't verify it, I don't go any further. Of course, I'm also very skeptical with a few drops of cynical. I have to be, it's protection.
In my view, the only importance of money unfortunately, is for things like rent, bills, healthcare, food, etc. With things the way they are one does need to be careful about what one invests in. For those of us outside the audiophile circle, money is hard to come by and we must be wise with it.
As to an RCM for Matt, with only 10 albums, a VPI or any other three digit or more RCM would not be a good investment right now.
As for needing a phono stage, that depends on what he is hooking the table up to. If he is using a good vintage/legacy receiver, he won't need a phono preamp. Otherwise, an ART will suit nicely for now until he can upgrade.