Speaker break in???


New member
Apr 12, 2013
I know this is weird but I ordered a pair of SF venere 3.0's
Problem is with the at least a dozen pairs of speakers Ive owned in my life I've never owned brand new speakers. The kefs I just sold were new but I pulled them out of the box and asked the guy I bought them from to break them in and I picked em up a week later while he used them as demos.
So my table won't be here for a couple weeks and I have a CD player
Hooked up. Can I run these real low volume and just let em go . Or do I have to give them some volume and maybe put blankets over them.
And how long should I do this for?
Thx for any help, I timed this so they would be here before the table and give them some breakin first.
Hi Steve, I am certainly no expert, but I am in this process right now as well. I just play music for fun and let the speakers break-in as you listen. I try to stay away from giving the speakers too much volume for the first 10-20 hours and slowly increase the average volume thereafter. I know some refuse to listen to speakers as they break-in and just play 24/7 for 1-2 weeks (with or without blankets). I think you should do whatever you will give you the most fun!
Thx ! I'm not really into listening to this CD player I have. And can't sit and enjoy it as I can a turntable. It's really cheap. Lol. I guess I might as well bite the bullet. Since my tubes only have a few hours on them, and the cartridge will be brand new as well. And break em all in together.
Thanks again
First of all, congrats on your new speakers! I would just put a cd in the tray, hit repeat, bite the bullet and push play. Have it playing while you are at home and by the time the table comes in they will be ready to roll!

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Yea thx, I might be jumping the gun a bit. They might all arrive at the same time.
Then ill just sit and listen to records for 2 weeks straight . Lol.
I always loved breaking in new cables, you can hear them get better and better .
So this might be fun for me.
First off, congrats on the Venere 3.0's. As far as break-in, hook them up pop a cd in, set your desired listening volume and rock out.
Steve - congrats on the Venere 3.0's. They are really really good! And gorgeous too! I would say to break them in with a CD on repeat for 1-2 weeks. After 100 hours, I believe you will have achieved a good percentage of break in, but they will get better and better with even more hours. Bass specifically will become more defined. Those bass drivers need to loosen up!
Steve Congrats enjoy beautiful speakers. I would play the Venere every day for 3 or 4 hours and you will get there, that is what I did with the Futura and are breaking in nice
Thanks so much guys!!! I was thinking on this and I figured it would just be fun to listen to them get better and better. I made sure I had absolutely nothing to do the first couple weeks of October . Oh except go hear raidhos!!! Lol
Oh except go hear raidhos!!! Lol
Steve you just got new speakers. The Raidho's are fantastic. Why torture yourself? I heard the D1's and D3's and I will say my Dyn C1 sig doesn't even compete with them. I personally can't afford the Raidho's (3.25 X the price of C1 sig's and that's just for the D1's). Just my personal opinion!!
Steve you just got new speakers. The Raidho's are fantastic. Why torture yourself? I heard the D1's and D3's and I will say my Dyn C1 sig doesn't even compete with them. I personally can't afford the Raidho's (3.25 X the price of C1 sig's and that's just for the D1's). Just my personal opinion!!
Lol!!!!! Yes I have new speakers on the way but my sick mind won't let me rest until I get more. Hahahaa! Nah just kidding.... Actually I'm really wanting to hear the c1.1, and be able to compare them to the magico s1. Which i will hear soon after.I'd like to have both floorstanders and monitors or 2 ways in the house .
Lol!!!!! Yes I have new speakers on the way but my sick mind won't let me rest until I get more. Hahahaa! Nah just kidding.... Actually I'm really wanting to hear the c1.1, and be able to compare them to the magico s1. Which i will hear soon after.I'd like to have both floorstanders and monitors or 2 ways in the house .

Raidho c1.1 vs Magico S1? Wow. I'm not sure I could pick one. It would all hinge on music type. Given your music preferences - probably S1. But give them both a listen. Both are outstanding. You won't believe how smooth the S1's are with bass that will have you looking around the room for the hidden subs.
After owing the VA klimt Music speakers for 4 or 5 months and now I realize its fully broken in....my SF elipsa was even more....took almost 6 months.

Is something wrong with my ears ? Or do you guys having a same experience?

I think you are absolutely correct. it can over 1000 hours before some Sonus Faber speakers are broken in. I don't think my Evos are anywhere near broken in.
1000 hours wow!!! Good to know. That's why I asked you guys I know there are loads of sonus faber owners around here.

Mike you not the only one who told me the s1's are more for rock,
My music is mostly rock ,folk, blues with some jazz mixed in.
But I also try to collect record that add to the strengths of my system.
So once I put it all together and figure out what those strengths are I will
Widen my music collection.
But !!! I have a weakness for ribbon tweeters, and love every speaker I ever heard with a ribbon. And from all reports the raidho has an awesome ribbon.
So I can't rule out the c1.1 yet.
Thx guys
What part of the speaker is still breaking in after 20 or so hours? I've never noted a difference after 20 hours. The drivers themselves settle in much less time than that. It's generally large drivers with large surrounds and stiff spiders that require the most time to break in.
I think it has to do with the brand of speaker. When I first got the original Dyn C1's the first 150 hrs they sounded really good. Then all of a sudden they sounded just horrible (honky mids - no bass or highs). That lasted about 50 hrs. And just as fast as they sounded horrible they all of a sudden sounded really good again. It wasn't until they hit 450 hrs did they sound great. Even Dynaudio couldn't tell me why.
What part of the speaker is still breaking in after 20 or so hours? I've never noted a difference after 20 hours. The drivers themselves settle in much less time than that. It's generally large drivers with large surrounds and stiff spiders that require the most time to break in.
As I mentioned I have no idea how long it takes to break in speakers.
But I will learn this shortly. Lol!!!! But I can see you thinking , loosen up them brand new drivers and they should be good to go.
I think it has to do with the brand of speaker. When I first got the original Dyn C1's the first 150 hrs they sounded really good. Then all of a sudden they sounded just horrible (honky mids - no bass or highs). That lasted about 50 hrs. And just as fast as they sounded horrible they all of a sudden sounded really good again. It wasn't until they hit 450 hrs did they sound great. Even Dynaudio couldn't tell me why.
I had a similar experience with audioquest cables, bought brand new speaker cables and interconnects and tonearm cable(not aq)
After a few days of a little tightness and grittyness they sounded great, but a few weeks later I had a buzz in the bass, then it moved to the mid, then to the highs, then all of a sudden they kinda popped and everything opened up, and they were wonderful. Had lots of new cables since and never had that same experience again . Was weird but cool!!
FYI, the barometric pressure of your listening room can have more of an effect on sound that after your speakers have 50(being very generous) hours on them.