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  • Hello, I see where you changed the fuse on an Aavik U-300. I have this unit and want to do the same. Remember anything about it that might help me? Greg in MD
    Hi George!! Thanks for the beer!! That was very kind. The two that I had were wonderful! Good stuff. You'll have to stop by sometime. I think Tyler is going to come out in the next week or two. Talk soon !
    Morning Adam

    IMO up to now it's the best combination I've heard with Raidho's. But that said I haven't heard the new Aavik separates. Tyler asked me if I want to 'break in' his separates since his store isn't open yet and I refused for fear I wouldn't want to give them back. If I did give them back I'm afraid I woudn't be as happy with my U300. Lars had mentioned before it was released the separates adds many more layers of resolution. Another amp I really liked is the Burmester 911. Definitely a warmer sound with unbelievable control.

    That said I've read the Raidho's sound best with amps that have a high dampening factor. The Aavik is about 8K - the Soulution about 10K and Burmester about 14K.

    You should send a pm to Le Roy and if he is still in town I'm sure he would invite you over for a demo.

    Hi George,

    What are your impressions of Le Roy's 725 and 711? I've been reading up on the Soulution gear and it has piqued my curiosity.

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