So how old is your "oldest" component?

Used my dad’s McIntosh MC60s (1965 or so) for a while. A combination of the local repair guy dying, Mr DeWick’s retirement, and one more shorting out, they got the boot. As we are moving to be with our daughter and youngster at the end of the year, those tubes were not going to pass WAF to exist near the child. I did like the sound.

Oldest part of my system appears to be the Oppo player.

I have the Headroom Balanced Amplifier, and original Holo Audio Spring KTE DAC in my business office, with OG Senn HD800s.
When carver came out that gear was so cool looking. I’ve still got a tx-11 sitting on top of an RGR Model 5 power amplifier. They were both working when I put them off to the side. The tuner I replaced it with is probably 20 years old now.
When carver came out that gear was so cool looking. I’ve still got a tx-11 sitting on top of an RGR Model 5 power amplifier. They were both working when I put them off to the side. The tuner I replaced it with is probably 20 years old now.

Carver was the coolest looking gear of that era, and still rocks. I have other Carver gear, including four amps with Bob's signature on the face plates. The coolest Carver piece I had was the CT-7 preamp/tuner that my GF appropriated (she's stuck with me for life now because she has to give it back if we ever break up).

Actually, I've gone fully-digital and don't even use the C1 and TX-11a anymore but I can't bear not having them in my rack to look at and recall their glory days.

Rack 1.jpg
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So how old is your oldest components?

Oldest Component in system is my ReVox G36 tubed reel to reel tape deck, late 1960's.

Second oldest component in system is my Stellavox SP7 reel to reel tape deck with large reel adapter, 1971.

Third oldest component in system is my Nagra IV-S reel to reel tape deck with custom large reel adapter, 1975.

Forth oldest component in system is my ReVox A700 reel to reel tape deck , early to mid 1970's.

Are we starting to see a pattern here? ;)



Oops, I forgot to mention my Ampex 400a/401a tape reproduce/record electronics, early 1950's
The pattern still holds...
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My two Ampex ATR-102's are from the late '70's, so getting close to 50 years old. I use them every day, my main sources for recorded music. Both were bought used separately 8 years ago, both came from recording studios where they were no longer being used. My Pacific Microsonics Model Two is about 25 years old. It came from Warner Bros. Studio, used for movie production. My oldest music source which I bought new is our Boesendorfer 225 grand piano, which we picked out at the factory in Vienna in 1985. Still sounds great.

I have a vintage system in my study that uses a pair of fully restored Acoustic Research AR3a’s first purchased n 1969.
Beautiful... old school “New England” reproduction... I can hear , and understand ,why they were so influential.
Oldest is my 1962 Empire 298 turntable, which is now awaiting a new belt.


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My oldest is my Sonic Frontiers Line 1 preamp, circa late '90s. Although about 3 years ago I had it renew/upgraded to "SE+" status by Parts ConneXion.


Before upgrade ...

Post-upgrade ...