Salon 2's vs Radio C3.1


Apr 28, 2013
Dallas/Fort Worth Texas
Your thoughts on these 2 speakers. I have the Salon 2's. I have not heard the Radio speakers this hobby just seems to get you thinking
that you need or want different or better. Mike i know you have heard both brands what is your take?

From what I know which isn't much they are 2 completely different kinds of speakers which would probably need totally different kinds of amplification to run em both properly.
But I've never heard the salon2's or the c3.1. I've heard the studio 2 and the d3 . So I don't know. Lol
2 totally different styles of speakers.

I know for one thing - the Salons will play louder and fill up a bigger space than the D3s. I assume it would be true for the C3.1s.
My two cents.....if you listen above 98db - stay with the Salon 2's and add some ballsy tube amps - ARC REF 250's, VTL 450 mk3, VAC phi200 monos or Carver 305's (see Jeff Whitlock for Carver).

If you listen below 98db - then the D3's are very holographic and three dimensional, with incredible bass definition and a world class tweeter (the only tweeter I've heard that does slightly better the Revel...but we are talking about 9.9 vs 10 here).

Note....the 98db is through my own research using a SPL meter in Class C.
From what I know which isn't much they are 2 completely different kinds of speakers which would probably need totally different kinds of amplification to run em both properly.
But I've never heard the salon2's or the c3.1. I've heard the studio 2 and the d3 . So I don't know. Lol

what is your impression of the D3 speakers ?
Kevin, I have heard both on numerous occasions. Mike is right about the level that you listen being important. If you tend to listen at lower volumes, I would suggest you give the Raidho's a listen. If you like to crank it up on occasion, I would stick with what you've got and look for better electronics. I've found no limit to the Salon's improvement through better sources and amplification . Hope this helps. If you do want to hear the Raidho speakers give me a call, my dealer near Tyler is a Raidho dealer.
Mark thanks for the heads on the dealer. Didn't know there was a Raidho dealer in texas.
I going to demo different cables first. Really like my gear that I have now. if this doesn't do the trick then i will start looking at different speakers
oh who am i kidding. i probably look at different speakers
what is your impression of the D3 speakers ?
My impressions of the d3 were that they were glorious huge deep expansive soundstage.
You can hear absolutely everything that was going on beautifully separated.
Not just this speaker but all the raidhos we heard had that( d1,c1.1, d3)
But the d3 had the fuller total sound that the monitors didn't have.
They had a load of bass for the small woofers. I loved them all.
But they also need to be run properly with the right amplification.
I'm actually going back this week to hear them all again.
+1 Big time!

My impressions of the d3 were that they were glorious huge deep expansive soundstage.
You can hear absolutely everything that was going on beautifully separated.
Not just this speaker but all the raidhos we heard had that( d1,c1.1, d3)
But the d3 had the fuller total sound that the monitors didn't have.
They had a load of bass for the small woofers. I loved them all.
But they also need to be run properly with the right amplification.
I'm actually going back this week to hear them all again.
My two cents.....if you listen above 98db - stay with the Salon 2's and add some ballsy tube amps - ARC REF 250's, VTL 450 mk3, VAC phi200 monos or Carver 305's (see Jeff Whitlock for Carver).

If you listen below 98db - then the D3's are very holographic and three dimensional, with incredible bass definition and a world class tweeter (the only tweeter I've heard that does slightly better the Revel...but we are talking about 9.9 vs 10 here).

Note....the 98db is through my own research using a SPL meter in Class C.

Is the reason for this level db limit to prevent the woofers from making this popping sound you guys were discussing on the Shark forum?
