RPG Modex™ Plate

Dallas the speakers are on the large side, ideally you also need to sit 4-5 yards away ,I only had two placement options, one of which would have been in front of the bay windows.
So not much choice regarding placement, Scott I use a room node calculator the Huniceke ?
one if you google room node calculator it is there.
Entered my room dimensions and then used the frequency generator in REW to help confirm the main nodes, floor ceiling 50Hz still an issue but I have orderd some 50Hz specific Modex
corner/modules, I have been hugely impressed with the Modex plates.
This is a pretty old thread, but I'm interested in how the RPG Modex absorbers have held up/aged over time, specifically are you all still happy with the performance or have you moved in a different direction?

I have some nasty room modes at 33-46 and 50 - 80. I've done a lot of treatment to knock down the worst of them and in my primary listening position, using 4 Swarm subs, the bass response is quite good (~4 dB range from 30 - 100 Hz). I do most of my casual listening seated at the side of the room working at a desk, and the bass is pretty lumpy there, which is why I'd like to tame the standing waves.

I have room for 2 Modex traps on the back walls. Would 2 make an appreciable difference? Given the Modex seems to sell for around $2k per, would I be better off with active bass management like th PSI AVAA, which at $2500@ would cost $7500 to treat the whole room (assuming PSI's claims are correct)? I can also add some corner traps at the wall/ceiling interface, but again, at $500 per is this needed?

My Modex plates have aged wonderfully. I still love them. When I got rid of my Raidhos I didn't need the all of the corner RPG treatments I had put in. But I've left the wall plates.

This is a pretty old thread, but I'm interested in how the RPG Modex absorbers have held up/aged over time, specifically are you all still happy with the performance or have you moved in a different direction?

I have some nasty room modes at 33-46 and 50 - 80. I've done a lot of treatment to knock down the worst of them and in my primary listening position, using 4 Swarm subs, the bass response is quite good (~4 dB range from 30 - 100 Hz). I do most of my casual listening seated at the side of the room working at a desk, and the bass is pretty lumpy there, which is why I'd like to tame the standing waves.

I have room for 2 Modex traps on the back walls. Would 2 make an appreciable difference? Given the Modex seems to sell for around $2k per, would I be better off with active bass management like th PSI AVAA, which at $2500@ would cost $7500 to treat the whole room (assuming PSI's claims are correct)? I can also add some corner traps at the wall/ceiling interface, but again, at $500 per is this needed?

My Modex plates have aged wonderfully. I still love them. When I got rid of my Raidhos I didn't need the all of the corner RPG treatments I had put in. But I've left the wall plates.

Thanks. I'm having a little difficulty getting a quote, but from other places it seems the RPG Modex plates sell for ~$1800 each. Worth it if 2 panels will make a noticeable difference in my bass response. If I need more area maybe I'll go the AVAA route (although I'm having trouble getting any order information from PSI as well).