Rmaf 2013

I'll be there too, flying in Friday morning and staying across the street at the Hilton. I've been to a few other shows, but not RMAF and I'm definitely looking forward to it.
It gets a little crowded but it is a good place to meet people and talk about equipment and rooms worth visiting.
Yes, I did not take that into consideration. The main bar in the lobby has very good food with a wide selection of draft beer.

Well, a tasty appetizer and a dessert with a few good drinks might just be the ticket....I usually have a strong aversion to pay serious money for ANY steak (including stupid money for something like a baked potato) anywhere, even if I had deep pockets. I can actually cook a steak to perfection on my own grill. All one needs is a good source of beef, a good fire and some spices and I can create my own killer steak/potato/salad, for around $15 or less!!!!

Just booked.
The Great American Beer Fest is on again downtown on the same dates as RMAF. It's sold out but I was able to find a ticket outside the venue and it was fantastic if you like micro-brews. Also, Jack Johnson is playing Denver Wed the 9th (and I think Frank Turner is as well on the same night) if anyone is there early enough and can find tickets.
I'm a cheap vegetarian so an expensive steakhouse is not my thing but would be happy to meet fellow sharks before or after you head to the steakhouse.
Hey Sharks,

This is for all you guys going to RMAF. I'll be displaying Kanso Audio Furniture in the main lobby. I have a great spot right behind the registration desk. So stop in and say hello. I'd like to meet all the Sharks that are attending.

Aaron, the secondary Borderdog.
Planning on attending this year with the lovely wife, yes she is now interested in audio. She also loves to watch movies, the sound running thru the 2 channel

Just picking up the thread to see if there is interest in a shark meetup. I'm in!
I have a dinner meeting Saturday night - but can come right after that. Definitely want to meet up.
If you guys are going to be there Friday night - lets meet up Friday night instead. John from Audio salon was trying to put together a place and time to meet.

friday or sat works for me.

If you guys are going to be there Friday night - lets meet up Friday night instead. John from Audio salon was trying to put together a place and time to meet.

So far looks like Mike and I will be dinning at Shanahan's Friday night. It is a short walk from the Marriott, will call for reservations tomorrow after we arrive in Denver. Everyone is welcome, expect a later reservation however due to short notice.