Review - Shunyata Zytron Alpha Digital power cord


New member
May 11, 2013
Silicon Valley
Shunyata has introduced a new type of power cord, the Zytron Alpha Digital, that in addition to providing the usual Shunyata goodness to power also acts as a filter to noise generated by digital gear. It is designed for digital file players, DACs, and CD players.

"As the name implies, the Alpha Digital power cord was developed by Caelin Gabriel to target and measurably reduce the extreme high-frequency noise generated by all types of digital electronics, whether in audio or video applications. The noise reducing property of the Alpha Digital is so significant that this can be objectively measured using a Power Analyzer. More importantly, even a brief evaluation will yield an unmistakable, dramatic improvement in sound or video."

Shunyata Research: Products: Signal Cables: Zitron Alpha Digital

Two weeks ago I received a Zytron Alpha for my Bryston BDP-1 digital file player (a single purpose Linux based computer). Since at the same time I also purchased a Shunyata Cyclops power conditioner for my amps, along with an Anaconda power cable for the Cyclops, I installed the Alpha on my Blueray player. I wanted to evaluate the Cyclop's effect on my amps without having another variable in the equation. Last night I was comfortable enough with the two-channel sound to move the Alpha onto the Bryston in the two-channel system.

Anyway, the only thing I can say here is WOW! This power cable is freaking, fracking, f**king awesome! I cannot believe the improvement I am hearing. I literally stayed up last night until 10 AM this morning listening to this cable. Previously, I had a Zytron Cobra on the Bryston, and it is no slouch, but the Alpha far exceeds it.

I have to steal a phrase used in a review of the Bryston BDA-2 DAC where the reviewer stated the BDA-2 removed a 'digital haze' from the music, a haze that wasn't apparent until it was gone. While I also noticed that when I upgraded to the BDA-2, I have to say this Alpha cable takes that a step further. I spent hours last night listening to rock songs ripped from CDs of varying recording quality, and without exception they all sounded better. A lot better. There is a greatly reduced glare, and I am able to crank these tunes while not experiencing fatigue from listening at these high levels. Currently, I am in classical mode, and the instruments are just coming out of a deep, silent background. It's just amazing.

I do have to admit I am a bit disappointed in that this once again points out that everything can be improved. I am at a pretty good level at this time with cabling and power, and really could not imagine it being much better. Wrong. This one cable has made an incredible positive improvement. So much so that I am going to order another for the DAC, and maybe the Blueray player.

I admit I do sound like a broken record when it comes to praising Shunyata, but that is only because their gear works. I have never felt buyers remorse after spending money on their products since every one has been a step up. While it is possible other cable vendors might accidentally stumble onto a working product, I will continue putting my money into a company that uses science and solid engineering in their design, and has no problem with explaining how their cables work. There is no voodoo here, just solid engineering. From the low cost Venom and into the more expensive cables, each cable, and power conditioner, I have purchased has been amazing.

Two thumbs up for the Zytron Alpha Digital power cord.
Bud, great stuff. I was just thinking about pc's today as one of my friends mentioned maybe an upgrade from my Z Cobras to the Pythons. This is something that gets my attention.
Bud, thank you for posting. Seems like Shunyata is on a hot streak!
I received my Alpha Digital power cord (thank you Jock!!) about a week ago and I am beyond impressed with the Shunyata Alpha Digital power cord. It seemed to widen the sound stage - a lot - quieter backgrounds which has led to a nice softening (in a good way) of any digital edge. It just makes my DAC sound less mechanical and more musical. Very happy with this purchase. Two thumbs up!

I received my Alpha Digital power cord (thank you Jock!!) about a week ago and I am beyond impressed with the Shunyata Alpha Digital power cord. It seemed to widen the sound stage - a lot - quieter backgrounds which has led to a nice softening (in a good way) of any digital edge. It just makes my DAC sound less mechanical and more musical. Very happy with this purchase. Two thumbs up!

That's what I hear with my Anaconda. Awesome PC. Need to get an Alpha PC one day.
I replaced a Zitron Anaconda with the Alpha Digital on my Linn Klimax and the difference was amazing. It was a total transformation. I haven't found any downside at all. I've had it about 3 weeks now.

Simply amazing since it replaced a great cable three times the price. Shunyata could easily charge a lot more for the Alpha Digital.

Designing the cable specifically for digital components is brilliant.

I love a company that continues to make better and better cables and charge appropriately for them and not just charge more because they can. Truly reputable company. Thank you Caelin and Grant. :woot:

That's what I hear with my Anaconda. Awesome PC. Need to get an Alpha PC one day.
A few weeks ago I added an Alpha to my DAC (Bryston BDA-2) to complement the Alpha on my file player (Bryston BDP-1) I reviewed at the start of this thread. This Alpha did not have the knock-me-over sonic effect as did the first Alpha. Rather, it lowered the background noise even more. Music appears from nowhere, and the locations of instruments and vocals are more clearly delimited in the soundstage. Basically, what I experienced with Alpha 1 is now better with Alpha 2.

Another benefit here is the ZCobra it replaced has moved into my HT/surround system, and replaced the Venom on that BDP-1.

A drawback to these cables is they are making me wonder if my speakers (Aerial Acoustics 7T) are sufficient for this level of detail. I might be imagining it, but at loud levels I 'feel' I am hearing cabinet distortion in the background of the music. Now I have myself convinced I need to upgrade to Magico Q3 speakers. Thank god my rationale side is still momentarily in control.
I replaced a Zitron Anaconda with the Alpha Digital on my Linn Klimax and the difference was amazing. It was a total transformation. I haven't found any downside at all. I've had it about 3 weeks now.

Simply amazing since it replaced a great cable three times the price. Shunyata could easily charge a lot more for the Alpha Digital.

Designing the cable specifically for digital components is brilliant.

I love a company that continues to make better and better cables and charge appropriately for them and not just charge more because they can. Truly reputable company. Thank you Caelin and Grant. :woot:

Great to hear, Jock.

I know it wasn't built for this, but have you tried the Alpha on your Dag pre? Just curious what the results would sound like.

Will go and order an Alpha for my Esoteric now...
Can't wait to try the Alpha in my system. I'm going to use it with the Bryston BDP-2.
I have one coming for my BDP1 as well. I use the internal DAC on the Accuphase DP550 so I have one coming for that also. I can't wait to try them out.
I've ordered a second Alpha three times now but I keep selling them to friends so I'm again waiting for another one to try on various things. The one on the Klimax is not leaving. :)
I've ordered a second Alpha three times now but I keep selling them to friends so I'm again waiting for another one to try on various things. The one on the Klimax is not leaving. :)

Thanks Jock !!

Jock let me have one of his while mine is on order. I have to say that when I installed it on my Linn Akurate DS, it was the most difference I've ever heard with a power cord. I was shocked what a difference it made on my digital front end. This is probably the best bang for the buck I've ever had in my system. There is no going back after using this cable !!

Well done Shunyata :woot:
They should give Jock a commission! He loaned me his and....uhh....never got it back. :)
Well, I've had the Alpha digital in my system now for 5 days. It seems to have settled in nicely. The sounds from my digital front end have never sounded better. Bigger soundstage and less hash in the backgrounds.

What a great and reasonably priced product :woot: