I stumbled on this old Sadhu "Holy Man", while visiting the city of Pashupatinath near Katmandu, Nepal.
He was living in a small, ancient mausoleum in the cemetery.
His dreadlocks must have been 10 feet long!
Amazing; he must be @ peace with the whole world.
I bet he doesn't check the Internet and doesn't know about COVID-19.
But you never know ... Great shot Gregg; did you ask him if you could photograph him...with a trade?
I'm typically very courteous when shooting.
Even though I don't speak the language, a simple gesture and eye contact is usually enough to know if it's ok or not to shoot.
Sometimes it's not.
Thanks, again.
Would be great to speak his language and learn his ideas ... The photograph itself speaks volumes on what is behind the man ... above all material world.
...Above all world's viruses and vices and devices. ...Divinely higher connected ground.
I almost lost it looking at those death hike images. I saw a video of something similar though it involved a truck driving on such a road. Worth way more than a thousand words. Simply incredible. Love the image of the blind woman. Great composition and color. Thank you for sharing these with us.
I truly had a blast.
Since then, I've heard they went in and completed "homogenized" the path with guard rails, etc.
Completely ruined the sense of danger - crap!
This is part of the trail, with no trail left to walk on - LOL!!
My wife and her friend went with me.