That mid-range is expensive but it may be the best in the world, certainly the best dome.
That mid-range is expensive but it may be the best in the world, certainly the best dome.
Haha, but it's SOOOO worth it!!
Thank you for the post. I've been told this PMC mid driver weight at 22 lbs and took 6 months to make by hand.
It does weigh 22 lbs. but it takes 6 months to train someone to build it, not 6 months to build it. Too bad Peter Thomas did not put as much effort into it's appearance, pretty plain looking given the price.
Congrats Paul! Lets see some pics of them hooked up to the 275's, with those beautiful tubes glowing!
Paul the PMC's look great! I like the box-style speakers myself, as long as they don't sound like a box! When they get some more hours on them let us know how they compare to the Harbeths.
WOW!!!! So awesome! Excited for you. I understand the bass comment. I was overwhelmed at first too, but then I realized that I just wasn't used to hearing deep bass. It just is way deeper than anything I've ever owned. But it's not boomy or muddy and it's not out of proportion. Play something that has little bass and you won't hear any from the speakers. It just plays it when it's there. Also, it's best to have as neutral electronics as possible. Congrats. Enjoy that super clean clear mid range. Nothing like it.
So far the bass is killing me. Just too much. Don't think ever need a sub for sure. Well let's see in few days.
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What's the latest, Paul? Maybe play around with speaker placement to moderate the bass? A few bass traps in the cards for you?
Paul, do you find that each music recording has its own best match (loudspeakers, playback source, preamp, amp, speaker wires, interconnects, AC power cord, tra-la-la)?
And same for each format (different medium: analog LP and tape, or digital CD/SACD and hi-res audio file).