Other forums...

Puma Cat

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2013
East Bay, CA
Hey guys...thanks for setting this up.

Just a suggestion, but we could use some general purpose forums not necessarily related to audio; e.g. a general discussion forum, other hobbies forum, etc.

My 2¢.

Stephen aka PC
Hi Stephen, and welcome! :)

I believe that there are other forum's sections on 'Hobbies', other than Audio,
plus a 'General Off Topic' section as well. ...Which should cover quite a bit right there.
...Plus much much more.
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No, not sports, really.

It was a joke between an ex-girlfriend and myself. When we didn't see eye to eye on something, one would say to the other..."So, how 'bout them Niners?" as a gentle way to change the subject.
No, not sports, really.

It was a joke between an ex-girlfriend and myself. When we didn't see eye to eye on something, one would say to the other..."So, how 'bout them Niners?" as a gentle way to change the subject.

Maybe a contact sport?
Hey, Marten loudspeakers is missing from the Manufacturer Forums. :)

I know few who own these ultra high-end loudspeakers. ...From Sweden, and other places closer to home. ...I love Europeans, and they would love this site here.
Some of my best friends and music are . . . . from Europe.
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