Thanks to all of you. This is a proud day. This is my present to me. This took sometime and saving to do this. I'm in midst of renovating so I don't think i'll be able to push those babies into use before mid/late March.
I'm a HT guy. The electrics I will start with is a Mark Levinson 533H to power my front three, Onkyo 5008 for processing and surrounds. This unit may stay upstairs in which case I will look for suggestions on a processor. Oppo for the blu-ray.
Wolf SDC 15 projector ?
Surround speakers
All Interconnects. The dealer is leaning me toward Nordost. Limited funds for this at this time.
This system will start to build from here. I've got the most important pieces out the way Speakers and room treatment. The rest I hope to learn from you guys. My most respected source.