New D3's....first impressions


Sep 3, 2013
The D3's arrived in the Big Apple today. 1/2 hour from the DHL guy at the door to playing music. I can tell you that I am quite stunned at the moment. I connected the D3's to my "c" level electronics, to run them in for a few hundred hours. I placed the D3's where I had the D1's, which was about 7' from the back wall to the back of the speakers. The speakers are spread about 16' apart. Right out of the box with dead cold electronics I put on a Haydn piano concerto cd and literally sat in amazement. I feel like Lars is screwing with me and that he broke in the speakers before he sent them. They sound better out of the box with my "c" electronics than my completely broken in D1's with my A electronics. I'm lovin' it.

Will update later.:disbelief:


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Bob - congrats!! They look magnificent! I cannot tell you how beautiful they sound after a little break in and proper placement (more to follow).

Yes looking forward to a nice listening session !!!!since the d3's are a pipe dream for me I'm not sure I want to hear them . Lol
Thx everyone....appreciate it. And yes Mike, a trip is in order:heart: Btw, it's been a few hours now and the electronics have warmed up (Goldmunds SS pre/Merrill class D amps) and all I have been playing is classical piano and I am just blown away. I want to see what voices and a million other things sound like, but I'm afraid that it's not going to be as magical as what I am experiencing at the moment. I've really never taken speakers out of a box, connected them up and had instant magic. Although I know that Franck TChang's resonators, the IPC products and the Novum dishes really make anything sound really good. And my room is filled with all of this stuff.

Wisnon, yes the Goldmund Logos 1N/2N that is in my studio here are identical to what is in the listening room at Goldmund in the big listening room. Or at least it was when I was over there about three months ago. Is that what they had in the listening room or did they have the BIG Apologue set up in that room?
Hi Bob,

No, they had the APs in the big listening room.. They may have had a Logus in there or in the board room, cant recall, as there was equipment in many places.

The gentleman was very proud of the limited edition Apologues in the room!

BTW, your listening room looks very similar to that guy on Bloomberg with the $1m Goldmund system. LoL
Hi Bob,

No, they had the APs in the big listening room.. They may have had a Logus in there or in the board room, cant recall, as there was equipment in many places.

The gentleman was very proud of the limited edition Apologues in the room!

BTW, your listening room looks very similar to that guy on Bloomberg with the $1m Goldmund system. LoL

Interesting about the AP's over there, they were just building the first pair, probably the pair that is now in the listening room, when I was there.

Mark Rosen, who is on the Bloomberg video actually just bought my full Epilogue reference system that I had at my place for the last several years. He traded his speakers which were in the video (which were half of the full stack) in on the full stack. I now have his old system at my place trying to sell it.

I recently got the Telos 280 in and it's like the Job225 on steroids. Althought it's $15K. The Job to me is really the jewel because of the price if it can drive the speakers that you are using.
I dont see it as Heaven I see it as all Hell to me !!!!!, you want us all to get divorced ?
Wow how many excellent gear you have Bob, Congrats !!!!

Very funny, because that's what all this did to me 15 years ago:panic: But I am very:happy:now. Thx again....the best part of my room really is the 230", yes 230" projection system that shines on the entire back wall, wall to wall, with the shades pulled down. There is a drop down 150" screen that comes out of the ceiling that I use for demos, but I'm a sports addict and any sports on the entire back wall is really very close to being there.
Interesting about the AP's over there, they were just building the first pair, probably the pair that is now in the listening room, when I was there.

Mark Rosen, who is on the Bloomberg video actually just bought my full Epilogue reference system that I had at my place for the last several years. He traded his speakers which were in the video (which were half of the full stack) in on the full stack. I now have his old system at my place trying to sell it.

I recently got the Telos 280 in and it's like the Job225 on steroids. Althought it's $15K. The Job to me is really the jewel because of the price if it can drive the speakers that you are using.
I have a Lampi tube Dac as front end. Is that a problem for the Job, which seems not to like Tube preamps? If there is a SS preamp section between the Dac and the Job, is that enough "insulation"?
I have a Lampi tube Dac as front end. Is that a problem for the Job, which seems not to like Tube preamps? If there is a SS preamp section between the Dac and the Job, is that enough "insulation"?

Well.....I connected one of the Job225's -that I was doing a modification on for Goldmund (I have nothing to do with the Job effort, it's all factory direct:) is very interesting to watch:exciting: from the sidelines - with the Absolare Passion Signature preamp and I kid thee not, I could live with that sound all day long. But I did not listen very long, I was just testing the Job amp out to make sure that it was dead quiet. But what I heard made me go :woot:.It sounded REALLY GOOD!

You can tell I'm a newbie, I am still fascinated with all of the smileys.

Sorry, I didn't answer your original question, which was about the Lampi Dac, I have no idea about anything unless I hear it in my system, anything else for me is just mental masturbation:panic:. I have some ideas about my room, which I have worked on every week for the last 14 years. I don't work on it every day, but I usually do something every week. So, I know my room, but hearing things in other rooms, or at shows or really anywhere outside of my room, therefore I have no idea about any compatibility matches with the Job225. Other than I've played it with the Absolare, the Kondo preamp(s) and a Goldmund SS pre. Other than that, who knows???

No matter what anyone would say about impedance matches etc, yes nothing can be out of sync, but that's just a given, all that matters to me is how the thing sounds. That's all that matters to me....well, I like the way the stuff looks as well.