Need new transport Esoteric P 05 option?

You have not been lucky with music servers.

Spinning discs always sound inferior, or at its very best, an equal, with a proper Media Server.

We're not doing this because it is fashionable. It is because spinning media as an industry is dying (a very convincing argument could be made that it is already dead), and the inconvenience of dealing with spinning media is such a PITA.
You have not been lucky with music servers.

Spinning discs always sound inferior, or at its very best, an equal, with a proper Media Server.

We're not doing this because it is fashionable. It is because spinning media as an industry is dying (a very convincing argument could be made that it is already dead), and the inconvenience of dealing with spinning media is such a PITA.

...In particular with vinyl, and also R-2-R tapes. ...Then with CDs too, even from a CD jukebox player containing 5,000 CDs!

I'm with Emile and Mike here; a good sound quality digital music server, with the right features, is better than none. :)
Practicality, quick access, choice, sound quality, CD players and turntables, in several aspects, where it counts most in the year 2013.

And it don't matter what people are using at the present, or not (comparing to), me included. ...The fact remains.
If one must spin discs (and I'm still one of the few that does this), I'd use an MSB transport, for its "buffer" feature, which reads the data multiple times, ahead of playing it.

Signature Data CD IV

Great advice. I did talk to a respected Jeff Rowland/Esoteric dealer who was very encouraging of the P05 to Aeris pairing (he also sells other transports.) I would be getting an $8200 transport for 1/2 price as an exhibit unit. I am inclined to do this. As for the server question, I will someday do this but personal and work pressures make it hard to embark on new audio projects right now. I will say I still enjoy rummaging through my well organized floor to ceiling CD bookcases (even have a library ladder to reach the highest shelfs) as a ritualistic pleasure. I choose a weeks worth of listening material, arrange several bottles of wine and enjoy nightly sessions as some of my newest audio goodies break in (especially my Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cables in shotgun configuration.) After 45 years of collecting music (Lp's & CD's) I can not imagine life w/o music. To boot I live close to a university know for it's excellent music school & several great venues.

Thanks for the insights! Mark
PS. My greatest challenge lately is finding newly released esoteric jazz , mixed-genre , global music and new music releases that have fairly good engineering standards. So much of what I like is not released in HD formats anyway, so the server idea is a bit less attractive right now. I go to Waterloo records in Austin for new recording & sometime hit gold.
PS. My greatest challenge lately is finding newly released esoteric jazz , mixed-genre , global music and new music releases that have fairly good engineering standards.
So much of what I like is not released in HD formats anyway, so the server idea is a bit less attractive right now. I go to Waterloo records in Austin for new recording & sometime hit gold.

Did you click on the second line of my sig?
Esoteric P05 transport up and running: After 5 days of playing I have to say it is much more than I expected. Overall more refined, detailed, better space, image definition, dynamics, subtle musicality, lower noise floor, better LF definition, and most importantly wonderful system synergy. It is beautifully built, very silent mechanically and aesthetically a tidy less is more modern vibe. Since I had no particular expectations the contribution of the P05 may be even more exciting to my ears. Oddly (jitter?) there is much less HF distortion in most piano music & spectacular liquid/spatial presentation in orchestral music. Mating w/ the Rowland gear the effect is simply holographic. One of the nicest additions to my system & well worth the wait & $$. Thanks all for
the advice.
If you do not need SACD then give the EAR Acute III a listen. I have used the internal DAC on it with my Bryston BDP1 with excellent results. Retail is only 6795 for the chrome finish and is probably the best cd player I have ever heard.
I actually have the Bryston BDP2 and plan to set it up soon. My CD & LP libraries are extensive and I remain a dedicated fan of both. And actually the notion that one "waste money" on a passion or hobby is amusing.