My New Resolution Acoustics Treatments


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
My new Resolution Acoustics corner treatments arrived today. Now I just need my speakers to arrive from RMAF!

The build quality is excellent and they have been tested to handle down to 27hz (in room) with their patented technology or what I call, secret voodoo!



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Looking great, Mike! They blend into your room very well!

Now, to get those AV speakers...
Gee, they must be good, make the speakers totally disappear .... ;)
Nice, I just met Bart from Resolution at RMAF and the effect of his products in the Vapor room was just great. His cohort/salesperson was also awesome... :amazing::love:
Nice, I just met Bart from Resolution at RMAF and the effect of his products in the Vapor room was just great. His cohort/salesperson was also awesome... :amazing::love:

Yes she was!

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I wonder how they compare to the effectiveness to the RPG Modex Plates. They are both in the same basic expensive price category. The Modex Plates work exceptionally good in my room.

Unfortunately, I don't have corners to use a corner base treatment like these, So I had to use a wall mounted system like the Modex Plates. I didn't have a choice.

I love the Resolution Acoustics diffusers. Top notch product.


not cheap. Mike,

please let us know what they do to the sound!catalog-price-list/cclx
Jock - I ordered mine a few months ago and I got to see the amount of time and effort that went into them. The attention to detail was top notch. I'm hoping to try some diffusion at the front of my room as well. This is the type of room treatment for the audiophile who is going after that last 10, 5 or 1%. You just can't compare the lower priced stuff (like my ASC tube traps) to these. NO COMPARISON. The patented technology/design that Resolution Acoustics uses is very impressive and leaves one sitting there saying "damn, this stuff really works." I know Resolution Acoustics is very busy with having 16 or 18 of their products measured and tested by a well-known independent lab to validate their own findings and research.

I am TRYING to negotiate an Audioshark members only discount on their entire product suite. I also know that they are busy working on a lower priced product line which will hopefully introduce more people to their products.
I wonder how they compare to the effectiveness to the RPG Modex Plates. They are both in the same basic expensive price category. The Modex Plates work exceptionally good in my room.

Unfortunately, I don't have corners to use a corner base treatment like these, So I had to use a wall mounted system like the Modex Plates. I didn't have a choice.

I love the Resolution Acoustics diffusers. Top notch product.

I'm curious, too, Jock. Talking to Bart, his are not the more typical QRD design. In the Vapor room, the room never called out to itself like in some other rooms so I would say they do seem to work well.
I was able to negotiate a 20% discount on all Resolution Acoustics products for all Audioshark members. Anyone who is interested in learning more, please contact me via PM. You would purchase directly from Resolution Acoustics.

Sounds interesting. Possible solution for me on two fronts - home system and studio.