My audio budies

Wow, They're all cute as hell !! I lost my baby last fall, her name was Gretel, a longhaired mini Dachshund, she was 3 months shy of her 18th birthday.
I haven't cried like that since I lost my mom. I hope you all enjoy them everyday,I know I did !!


Mark... We lost are dog, Brandy a few years back. That was a real tough time for us too. She definitely was my pal.
THe Real Borderdog

Hi Guys,

This is my first post on this site, so I figured I would start off with my best Buddy. His name is Pepper and he is the Real Borderdog. We have a dedicated listening room that only he and I share...we lock my wife out because she's always telling us to turn it down.

Here are some shots of him arranging his bass traplets. He claims he can here a difference? By the way, Bass Traplets can be purchased at Petsmart very reasonably.
Re: THe Real Borderdog

Hi Guys,

This is my first post on this site, so I figured I would start off with my best Buddy. His name is Pepper and he is the Real Borderdog. We have a dedicated listening room that only he and I share...we lock my wife out because she's always telling us to turn it down.

Here are some shots of him arranging his bass traplets. He claims he can here a difference? By the way, Bass Traplets can be purchased at Petsmart very reasonably.
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Welcome to Audioshark Borderdog! Glad you're here! What's your first name?
Re: THe Real Borderdog

Hi Guys,

This is my first post on this site, so I figured I would start off with my best Buddy. His name is Pepper and he is the Real Borderdog. We have a dedicated listening room that only he and I share...we lock my wife out because she's always telling us to turn it down.

Here are some shots of him arranging his bass traplets. He claims he can here a difference? By the way, Bass Traplets can be purchased at Petsmart very reasonably.
View attachment 2027View attachment 2028

Hi Aaron.....welcome!

Nice audio buddy you have there.....oh that eq. stand looks familiar :)
Hi Aaron, welcome to AS!:hi:

Do I spy a Kanso rack? Is this Aaron of Kanso Audio Furniture?:exciting:
Hey Allen,

You're correct. But I'm going to try to keep that portion of it quiet...I don't want to get into trouble with the Mods.
I'd rather talk about my boy Pepper, and other things audio related. I'm big on speaker placement, room treatment, I love stand mount monitors, and Dynaudio.
But, if you have Kanso questions, I'll try to oblige.

Aaron and the Borderdog
Understood. Welcome again, look forward to talking gear and music with you on this great forum!:)
Hey Allen,

You're correct. But I'm going to try to keep that portion of it quiet...I don't want to get into trouble with the Mods.
I'd rather talk about my boy Pepper, and other things audio related. I'm big on speaker placement, room treatment, I love stand mount monitors, and Dynaudio.
But, if you have Kanso questions, I'll try to oblige.

Aaron and the Borderdog

Aaron - no trouble here. Glad you're here. Lets hear about all about the great things at Kanso.
Update on the Real Borderdog:

The real Borderdog, Pepper, was almost lost a few weeks ago. He contracted a really serious tick-borne disease (probably Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever). It was touch-and-go for awhile, but he pulled through. He's 12+ now, so doesn't rebound quite like before, but he's tough and doing well.
He's my listening buddy and doesn't tell me to turn it down;.not like my wife…lol.

I would gladly sell all my "stereo stuff"
to gain him a few more years.

1W3S_0109 Copy.jpg

Aaron, the secondary Borderdog