Merrill Audio Veritas Monoblocks


Active member
Apr 5, 2013
Here's a pretty recent review of the Veritas Monoblocks built around the Hypex NCore NC1200 modules.


Here's an excerpt from the editor:

Over the past few years a number of Class D amps have come into my listening room, often with the promise that they would change my views on Class D’s. While in most cases it was clear that Class D amps had in fact come a long way, in each case I politely retuned the amps to their respective manufacturers. But then I heard the Veritas amps, courtesy of Al Mirabella, to whom I am indebted. Here were amps that were not just “good for Class D,” but good in their own right. In fact, not just good, but very good, enough so that I purchased not one, but two set of monoblocks for use with my biamped Sander Sound electrostats. I concur with Ray’s sonic impressions, and also with his observation that the Veritas are sensitive to the accompanying power cord. The amps are power-houses, but they are much more than that. They are also delicate and textured, relatively grain-free, with a harmonically nuanced midrange, and extended highs that are never brittle. Though highly revealing, they are not at all “analytical.”

The Hypex N-Core is undoubtedly a great advance in Class D technology, but the Veritas would not be what they are without Merrill’s meticulous attention to detail. I echo Ray’s sentiment: highly recommended.​
Merrill asked me to help redesign his cases but i turned it down because i am so busy with way to many projects going on. Man i could have made those look much better, just by adding a couple simple touches.

One reviewer asked to plug these into my system after we had listened to them driving Martin Logan's. At the time I had Bel Canto Design e One Ref 500m's. The Bel Cantos were much smoother & offered much nicer tonality. Also, the build quality were in different leagues. The review was posted online, but was pulled after just a few days!
I just joined Audioshark today... For a different take on the Merrill Veritas monoblock, you may have a look at my detailed review of the amp, posted to PFO No. 68:

Unfortunately, I cannot post links to AudioShark yet... I will post permission as soon as the system deems me seasoned enough.

Note that in preparation to the project, I operated Veritas for 1,000 hours of break-in with a sound/music signal passing through them. The paper describes the hardware, break-in process, listening observations under a variety of conditions, and conclusions.

Regards, Guido"

Thank you so much for joining the forum. We really appreciate it very much.
I just joined Audioshark today... For a different take on the Merrill Veritas monoblock, you may have a look at my detailed review of the amp, posted to PFO No. 68:

Unfortunately, I cannot post links to AudioShark yet... I will post permission as soon as the system deems me seasoned enough.

Note that in preparation to the project, I operated Veritas for 1,000 hours of break-in with a sound/music signal passing through them. The paper describes the hardware, break-in process, listening observations under a variety of conditions, and conclusions.

Regards, Guido"

Welcome buddy. I will fix your post count so you can post links.

Welcome to Audio Shark, great to have you here!:hi:

Not sure if you remember, but we met on Agon earlier this year and you convinced me to keep my then up for sale Rowland 8TiHC and to stay in the hobby. So glad I took your advice. Found this forum with a bunch of great guys and couldn't be happier! Great to have you on board!
To Allen, good to have found you again in this fine new watering hole for suffering audiophiles *grins!*

Hi Nelson, thank you again for the bienvenue... But my dogtag says "Made in Italy", immediately followed by the warning: "keep refrigerated and far from sources of audiophilic infections".... So I do Italian and spoken French, while my Spanish remains MIA.

Mike, fab talking with you this aft... And thank you for tweaking my posting permissions this fast!
To Allen, good to have found you again in this fine new watering hole for suffering audiophiles *grins!*

Hi Nelson, thank you again for the bienvenue... But my dogtag says "Made in Italy", immediately followed by the warning: "keep refrigerated and far from sources of audiophilic infections".... So I do Italian and spoken French, while my Spanish remains MIA.

Mike, fab talking with you this aft... And thank you for tweaking my posting permissions this fast!

You're very welcome. It was great to chat! See you at RMAF.
Hi George, it looks like the reviewer in the youtube article may have been given a thankless task... To assess an amp almost fresh from the factory as if it were a road warrior that has gained full stability... Hence I am not surprised of the findings being mixed.

Unfortunately, Veritas -- like so many other amps that have been in my system -- takes an excruciatingly long time to break in... 1K hours for Veritas, to be specific, as I chronicle in my PFO article.

I am the scribbler who also authored the article on the admittedly lovely Bel Canto REF500M. The device remains a fine example of what was possible with ICEpower technology without breaking the bank several years ago. It appears though that the new Ncore NC1200 may be a different beast all together, with potential that surpasses by a few orders of magnitude anything that was possible with class D of prior generations.
