Machining Matt from Minnesota!


New member
Apr 23, 2013
Crystal, Mn
Hmmmm Shark meat :D

I've been on here for a few weeks but never introduced my self. So here goes nothing or something.

My Name is Matt Kraemer. I grew up in Minnesota and still live here. After high school i went to tech school for machining and before i graduated i got my current job. Over the years at my shop i've learned more than i could have hope for. Before i knew it i was 3rd shift lead then 2nd shift lead and now the highest paid machinist on 1st shift. 60 year old machinist's come to me for questions and i am only 25 years old.

I've learnt if you really try and learn something new, you'll catch on very quick and people will see the improvement.

The last few years i've made numerous audio projects, at the beginning it was just trim pieces for the Emotiva gear i owned at the time, then i thought get rid of the trim and make a sweet ass faceplate, well that went turned into re casing electronics, like phono amps, amps, DACs and so on.

Well i am to the point now where i can really go some where with this. I just made speakers that sound amazing and they are my first set ever and made out of aluminum too! My second turntable just got finished that sounds godly awesome, makes me warm inside spinning records. My NC400 amps will be done by this weekend, so much design and machining time went into that project and i am truly happy with them :)

My next project will be during this summer and it is going to be epic. No more screwing around. All out assault!!!

I'll dig out some pics of some things i've made. Starting with my first :)

Matt - WOW! That's some serious looking gear. Love the Turntables. Beautiful!

Welcome to Audio Shark!!

Holy Cr@p are you talented. All that gear looks awesome! OMG!

Thank you for all the photos. I bet the N-core amp is going to sound great!

Thanks again for joining. We really appreciate your participation.
I just looked over again REALLY have a flare for Turntables. Kraemer Design Turntables (KDT) has a nice ring to it!
Matt... Hello & Welcome to AudioShark!!!


You bring a new definition to D.I.Y.

Congratulations on all your great work!!!
Thanks guys :)

I've been at the lounge (Emotiva) since 2010 but want to try something new. I like this place a lot so far.
Very nice work Matt. You have quite a gift and it helps to have something to do during those 10 months that it snows up there! :P
Hmmmm Shark meat :D

I've been on here for a few weeks but never introduced my self. So here goes nothing or something.

My Name is Matt Kraemer. I grew up in Minnesota and still live here. After high school i went to tech school for machining and before i graduated i got my current job. Over the years at my shop i've learned more than i could have hope for. Before i knew it i was 3rd shift lead then 2nd shift lead and now the highest paid machinist on 1st shift. 60 year old machinist's come to me for questions and i am only 25 years old.

I've learnt if you really try and learn something new, you'll catch on very quick and people will see the improvement.

The last few years i've made numerous audio projects, at the beginning it was just trim pieces for the Emotiva gear i owned at the time, then i thought get rid of the trim and make a sweet ass faceplate, well that went turned into re casing electronics, like phono amps, amps, DACs and so on.

Well i am to the point now where i can really go some where with this. I just made speakers that sound amazing and they are my first set ever and made out of aluminum too! My second turntable just got finished that sounds godly awesome, makes me warm inside spinning records. My NC400 amps will be done by this weekend, so much design and machining time went into that project and i am truly happy with them :)

My next project will be during this summer and it is going to be epic. No more screwing around. All out assault!!!

I'll dig out some pics of some things i've made. Starting with my first :)

Welcome.jpg To this great forum KraemerDesigns
Very Nice work got some talent there!!

Now....what can you do with some Mc gear? :D



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Hi Matt. I just joined up here and your intro caught my eye big time. I was a Toolmaker and Custom Machine Designer for over 25 years combined and from one to another, AWESOME STUFF!

I also got to work on some great Turntables back in the day. I machined and assembled many of the prototypes and 1st run of John Bicht's Versa Dynamics Vacuum Platter Linear Tracking TTs.

Love the milling on the faceplates!
