Lampi Dac level explanation


Active member
Aug 27, 2013
Thermionic DSD, LampizatOr Style | Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile


There is a bit of confusion over the various LampizatOr Levels, due in part to a lag in updating the website. Lukasz Fikus, Mr LampizatOr, is more often than not burning the midnight oil in a quest to perfect old products and introduce new ones from his boutique audio incubator. This means many, many, many, many late nights and a total surrender to his inner workaholic. He has been known to answer the phone past 1am while toiling away and he normally starts his day early.

My understanding of the versions from discussions with Lukasz is that they match the level of sophistication of parts, with quality climbing as you go up the levels. Level 1 and 2 are now defunct (discontinued); Level 3 (L3) represents the value play as it has the same circuit DNA as all the higher levels. However, L3 is a fixed product with no variations as it’s “mass produced”, that is, at least as much as a boutique hand-made assembly setup will allow. End-user customization is possible from L4 and up. Think Russian/generic parts vs more expensive esoteric audiophile-grade parts. Keep in mind that all these Levels are referring to the PCM DAC, which is the foundation of the Lampi brand.

L5 is a dual mono powered version of L4 in 2 identically-sized L4 boxes (power supply is separate), and perhaps a couple of stock parts are more upscale than in L4. L5 also gives the ability to include every conceivable option as space is not limited as it is in the single-box L4, including: a volume w/remote control, multiple inputs, multiple outputs, balanced outputs, internal PSU to power accessories like a SB receiver or any other 12v low amperage type device like a DSPeaker Dual Core bass corrector unit. L6 is a single chassis, single input/single output, exposed tube “ultimate” PCM DAC, while the Big6 is similar but housed in the much deeper (larger) GM70 amplifier chassis. The Big6 has the space to add extra options that the L6 cannot accommodate, while still attempting to be the “ultimate” implementation. Perhaps more levels will be dreamt up as developments continue.

How does all this relate to DSD, you may be wondering by now? Well, DSD is a whole ‘nother animal, just as 8-track is different to cassette and to “Reel to Reel”, though all 3 depend on magnetic plastic tape to store musical info. DSD is a 1-bit 2.8mhz “digital” format (henceforth referred to as DSD64), with variations in multiple scales climbing higher in frequency, ex DSD128=2xDSD= 1-bit 5.6mhz and so on as you scale the frequency mountain. My understanding is that the higher rate DSD sub-formats push the ultrasonic noise of the format further away from the audible frequency spectrum. The delta-sigma technology here is somewhat akin to Pulse Width (Density) Modulation, as opposed to the more popular Pulse Code modulation (PCM), so it could be thought of as part-analog and part-digital. DSD64 is the format used by Sony in the SACD disc format and one peculiarity of it is that no DAC chip decoding is actually needed. It will play back distorted music if run straight through to speakers, unlike PCM, which will produce hash. PCM does require decoding though resistor ladder arrays or a DAC chip (multi-bit or delta-sigma).

LampizatOr DSD DAC: First Listen | Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile


hifial says:
October 23, 2013 at 12:18 PM

First, I must say that I had a chance to hear the Lampizator at a RAVE last Saturday. Unfortunately they did not provide a reference, so you really could not tell what if any improvement it was making. Also the system, even though it was made up of fine equipment was not sounding very well that day. I asked Lukasz Fikus if he could bring his DSD DAC to our NJ Audio Society meeting on Sunday. At that meeting, we listened to the system for several hours, including SACD on an EMM LABS, before we put in the DSD LampizatOr.

I really was not expecting very much, nor were many of the other members. Over the years we all have been told of the “it makes a BIG improvement”, “its easy to hear” etc, and it most never is.

Well, it just blew everyone away after just a few bars of music. Several members play music in orchestras and right away you could hear them saying “now that is what live music sounds like”, “it sounds like I am playing in the band”. Even Lukasz was a little surprised of how great it sounded. Of course, the system helped.

I agree with Scot. It is something special. As much as I was not impressed by dCS, I was very impressed by the Da Vinci DAC from Light Harmonic. If Lukasz can give a PCM/DSD DAC with a easy to use interface, proper amount/type of I/O, in a reasonable looking box at a price of around $4,000-5,000 USD it will be a GAME CHANGER!
Also, Scot, I eyed the Veritas mono amps by Merrill Audio in the photos. Are you planing on a review and anytime soon?



Re: LampizatOr Rave

« Reply #83 on: 22 Oct 2013, 06:35 pm »


I was lucky enough to attend the RAVE at Deepak's, who is a hell of a nice guy, and I am also the guy who had Lukasz attend the NJ Audiophile's meeting on Sunday.

Even though Deepak and others had three setups and tried very hard to have a variety systems with different Lampizator DAC's to listen to it might have been better served to have one system tried and true.
Also as is typical at a RAVE equipment that others bring gets swapped in and out. This can make it hard to have a base for comparison.

By chance one of the Metro NJ/NY Audio Clubs I belong too was having one of their monthly meetings the next day. I asked Lukasz if he would be interested in attending so he could introduce himself and his DAC to our members. I also told him there was a chance we might be able to hear his DSD DAC in the system at the meeting. He graciously accepted.

Now I must say that it was very hard to tell how well the DSD DAC or even the BIG SIX sounded because we had no real reference point at Deepak.

But at the NJ Audiophile meeting that would not be a problem. Not with a top EMM LABS DAC and Transport along with equipment matching the quality of the EMM LABS.

This was my first time at this members house and one of the few times I was blown away by the sound I heard at a members house. It was a real treat when Lukasz first had a chance to hear Father Richards system. You could see his EYES pop open and his jaw drop. He knew right away that if we could put his DSD DAC in for a demo it was a system that would tell if he has the goods. Father Richards system has been compared to ones costing $500,000+ in sound. I will not at this time describe the details of the system.

After several hours of listening to the system including DSD from SACD through the EMM LABS Father Richards was gracious enough in letting Lukasz put in his DSD DAC. I brought some DSD files that Lukasz could add to what he planed on playing.

But before I describe what happens next let me tell you that Lukasz gave us a brief description of his work on DSD and thoughts on Audio. He also spent time in awe while listening to music through the system before we inserted his DSD DAC.

It only took a few bars of music for EVERYONE in the room to be able to hear what Lukasz's DSD DAC could do for the playback of music. You could hear people all over the room surprised at how well both Lukasz's DSD DAC and DSD done right could sound. AWE STRUCK is not significant enough to describe it.

Even Lukasz said he did not know it could sound that great.


I am intrigued by the Lampizator. As some of you know it takes A LOT to impress my enough to be a FANBOY and post my enthusiasm. AS of now I need to first try the Lampizator PCM/DSD DAC in my system or one other that I am very familiar with.

Until then I give Lukasz's DSD DAC a BIG almost FANBOY.

By the way, the NJ Audiophile Society is planning on hosting a meeting for Lukasz,s Lampizator PCM/DSD in Jan of 2014.

I've been interested in these DAC's for awhile. Many of the personal reviews seem to have that "I just got this in and it's the greatest thing since sliced bread" new gear phase. I would be interested in your thoughts Joe.

I can't seem to be able to find some kind of pricing on the different DAC's available. Anyone know the pricing structure? for official prices.

There was a group buy going on at Audiocircle via Gopher and Berto, but I am not sure if its still on.

Joe is getting a DSD-Only Dac to demo. No PCM.
LampizatOr DSD DAC: First Listen | Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile


hifial says:
October 23, 2013 at 12:18 PM

First, I must say that I had a chance to hear the Lampizator at a RAVE last Saturday. Unfortunately they did not provide a reference, so you really could not tell what if any improvement it was making. Also the system, even though it was made up of fine equipment was not sounding very well that day. I asked Lukasz Fikus if he could bring his DSD DAC to our NJ Audio Society meeting on Sunday. At that meeting, we listened to the system for several hours, including SACD on an EMM LABS, before we put in the DSD LampizatOr.

I really was not expecting very much, nor were many of the other members. Over the years we all have been told of the “it makes a BIG improvement”, “its easy to hear” etc, and it most never is.

Well, it just blew everyone away after just a few bars of music. Several members play music in orchestras and right away you could hear them saying “now that is what live music sounds like”, “it sounds like I am playing in the band”. Even Lukasz was a little surprised of how great it sounded. Of course, the system helped.

I agree with Scot. It is something special. As much as I was not impressed by dCS, I was very impressed by the Da Vinci DAC from Light Harmonic. If Lukasz can give a PCM/DSD DAC with a easy to use interface, proper amount/type of I/O, in a reasonable looking box at a price of around $4,000-5,000 USD it will be a GAME CHANGER!
Also, Scot, I eyed the Veritas mono amps by Merrill Audio in the photos. Are you planing on a review and anytime soon?



Re: LampizatOr Rave

« Reply #83 on: 22 Oct 2013, 06:35 pm »


I was lucky enough to attend the RAVE at Deepak's, who is a hell of a nice guy, and I am also the guy who had Lukasz attend the NJ Audiophile's meeting on Sunday.

Even though Deepak and others had three setups and tried very hard to have a variety systems with different Lampizator DAC's to listen to it might have been better served to have one system tried and true.
Also as is typical at a RAVE equipment that others bring gets swapped in and out. This can make it hard to have a base for comparison.

By chance one of the Metro NJ/NY Audio Clubs I belong too was having one of their monthly meetings the next day. I asked Lukasz if he would be interested in attending so he could introduce himself and his DAC to our members. I also told him there was a chance we might be able to hear his DSD DAC in the system at the meeting. He graciously accepted.

Now I must say that it was very hard to tell how well the DSD DAC or even the BIG SIX sounded because we had no real reference point at Deepak.

But at the NJ Audiophile meeting that would not be a problem. Not with a top EMM LABS DAC and Transport along with equipment matching the quality of the EMM LABS.

This was my first time at this members house and one of the few times I was blown away by the sound I heard at a members house. It was a real treat when Lukasz first had a chance to hear Father Richards system. You could see his EYES pop open and his jaw drop. He knew right away that if we could put his DSD DAC in for a demo it was a system that would tell if he has the goods. Father Richards system has been compared to ones costing $500,000+ in sound. I will not at this time describe the details of the system.

After several hours of listening to the system including DSD from SACD through the EMM LABS Father Richards was gracious enough in letting Lukasz put in his DSD DAC. I brought some DSD files that Lukasz could add to what he planed on playing.

But before I describe what happens next let me tell you that Lukasz gave us a brief description of his work on DSD and thoughts on Audio. He also spent time in awe while listening to music through the system before we inserted his DSD DAC.

It only took a few bars of music for EVERYONE in the room to be able to hear what Lukasz's DSD DAC could do for the playback of music. You could hear people all over the room surprised at how well both Lukasz's DSD DAC and DSD done right could sound. AWE STRUCK is not significant enough to describe it.

Even Lukasz said he did not know it could sound that great.


I am intrigued by the Lampizator. As some of you know it takes A LOT to impress my enough to be a FANBOY and post my enthusiasm. AS of now I need to first try the Lampizator PCM/DSD DAC in my system or one other that I am very familiar with.

Until then I give Lukasz's DSD DAC a BIG almost FANBOY.

By the way, the NJ Audiophile Society is planning on hosting a meeting for Lukasz,s Lampizator PCM/DSD in Jan of 2014.

If you don't mind what "Emm Labs Dac" was used? Was it the Dac2X and the TSDX transport?
No idea. It was taken from Audiocircle. You would have to ask HifiAL.
No idea. It was taken from Audiocircle. You would have to ask HifiAL.

I was able to ask HiFal via Audio Circle. Thank you HiFal! The Emm Labs gear was the DAC 6e and the CDSD Transport that was used in the comparison noted above. This combo is vintage 2006, which is seven years old. I am sure the Lampi is great, but reading the notes in the posts above made it sound a little like it was a current Emm combo ie., the DAC2X and the TSDX transport, which it was not. Just so we are all on the same page:audiophile:
Thanks Bob, for keeping the record straight.

Norman, Really, in no way am I trying to diminish the Lampi. I trust you implicitly especially after your persistence with me on the "Super Cd". I am actually REALLY interested in hearing a Lampi. Next time there is the opportunity to do so I will surely take advantage of it.
I know that Bob. I was sincere in the thank's always best to keep the story as accurate as possible. I too imagined/assumed it was a later model than the one confirmed. in any case, I heard the older on sounded very good indeed.

Joe should be hearing the DSD Lampi at home this weekend and unfortunately I know you are tied up, so no chance to take advantage of the moment. However, its is based in the NYC area so chances are.... It will also be travelling around the country doing demos, from what I understand...

That version does not have Duelunds, its a combo of Soviet caps bypassed with V-Caps.
I know that Bob. I was sincere in the thank's always best to keep the story as accurate as possible. I too imagined/assumed it was a later model than the one confirmed. in any case, I heard the older on sounded very good indeed.

Joe should be hearing the DSD Lampi at home this weekend and unfortunately I know you are tied up, so no chance to take advantage of the moment. However, its is based in the NYC area so chances are.... It will also be travelling around the country doing demos, from what I understand...

That version does not have Duelunds, its a combo of Soviet caps bypassed with V-Caps.

Norman, I will have my DAC2X and TSDX in a few weeks, so after I burn them in for a week, then let's see where the Lampi is. It would be fun to have a comparison with the latest Emm gear, albeit there is a 4X price difference so it's not really apples to apples, price wise anyway, but who knows sonically......sure would be interesting.

I found out at that the Emm labs combo that was mentioned as the comparison to the Lampi was actually developed 10 years ago and is five generations removed from the current Dac2X and TSDX. Again, not saying the Lampi doesn't sound great, but comparing it against a 10 year old design seems kind of strange to me. Why not compare it to some current Emm or for that matter any current digital gear that people are familiar with???
Joe, please post your impressions here when you get the chance!! Have fun listening!:audiophile: