Krell Cipher, Cast Wiring, Krell 707, and a lot more.


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Long Island, New York
Dear Friends:

I take your statements and reviews very seriously. I am not a professional reviewer and I have different, goals perhaps than many of the people who even do it on this site. And I realize that I have very different goals than I had 20 years ago. My goals now are far more modest.

  1. First this has to be fun. 20 years ago I thought playing with equipment was fun. No so much anymore. Listening to music, watching TV and movies are the goals, the fun is in the “software” the music and movies are the real reason I have all this.
  2. So I ask myself, first, “Is this easy to first set up and then use?” It can’t be work. I remember when I had a CD transport and DA converter and all the buttons had to be set just right. Now, ease of use is paramount.
  3. Does music sound like real music?
  4. Does music sound better than what I had before? (A question really do ask myself)
  5. Do I have a true Movie Theatre Experience? Big, clear, sharp, colorful picture with great surround.
  6. Does it look better than what I had before?
  7. Am I enjoying it? And more than that, is the system becoming invisible, where I only hear the music and see the movie and not see and hear the equipment?

20 years ago I would NOT get two dependent components at the same time as I just did. I got the Krell Cipher SACD and new Krell cast cabling. But 20 years ago my system would have been laid out differently so I could easily change cables. It’s not now, cables are more a less a permanent part of the system. So while I had the people here on Wednesday last, I changed the cables too. I also added a pair of svs sb-13 sub-woofers.

I realize that I am now listening to an all Krell system: (2) 600e amps; (1) 450 mcx; the Krell 707; Krell phono input; Cipher and wiring.

So I am actually asking… Is my entire system better than before?

Well, I went away for the weekend and gave only give preliminary results and they are all positive. The new wires sound a bit scratchy, but that is demising over use and they are becoming more detailed, more fluid.

The SACD is getting better too, but I haven’t yet played a lot of CDs. However I did listen to a few multi-channel discs and LOVED how they sounded and LOVED the sub-woofer so much when I played multi-channel discs that I wonder if I can use them for music without having to jump through hoops. The SACD set up quickly and is easy to use. Only thing: In setting up the multi-channel I had to duplicate the left and right channel inputs with RCA inputs. I wish the machine could have used the one set of cast and shared them with the 5-channel side. I want to give the Cipher a bit more time before I compare it to the esoteric K-03.

The 707 is the champ. It works well and sounds great. It did take some extra effort to set it up, but this made everything sound and look better AND make the use of the equipment easier.

The Salon IIs and Voice II are terrific and movies sound much better and directional with the new sub-woofers. I was thinking of upgrading the center 450mcx amp but now I may pass on that.

Just out of the box the Krell phono-pre-amp was just spectacular too. And the Krell tech support has been the single best I have ever had, way beyond my expectations.

In a month, I’ll answer the above questions more fully!!!! But the real stars of the system are the 707 and it’s two channel pre amp settings and the SVS sub-woofer. They changed everything.
You've got a great system, Barry! Great to hear that all is working out nicely. As you know, your journey is of particular interest for me my friend.;)