Jay's System

Hey Joe - Just saw this. The rig has changed quite a bit from the pictures in this thread, but has been stable for about a year (see my signature). Hegel + Revel is a great combo for me right now. I've been playing around with a beaglebone black to replace my squeezebox but haven't really had the time to get it going. I may just pull the trigger on a Lumin. Is everyone still loving theirs? I also need to get an enclosed rack to keep my 13 month old daughter's fingers off the volume knob. She loves to turn it up! Any recomendations on that front would be welcome.
Congratulations Jay,

I knew about the amp/preamp/speaker change. Can't believe your daughter is 13 months old already. Glad you're happy with the change.
Hi Jay, in just getting up to speed with your recent changes. I think you've gone for some great value gear which punches well above its weight. I know Joe loved his Studio 2's & I'm a fan of the Hegels amps. Big congrats!
Hey Joe - Just saw this. The rig has changed quite a bit from the pictures in this thread, but has been stable for about a year (see my signature). Hegel + Revel is a great combo for me right now. I've been playing around with a beaglebone black to replace my squeezebox but haven't really had the time to get it going. I may just pull the trigger on a Lumin. Is everyone still loving theirs? I also need to get an enclosed rack to keep my 13 month old daughter's fingers off the volume knob. She loves to turn it up! Any recomendations on that front would be welcome.

Jay, it's nice to see another fan of the Hegel/Salon 2 combo.

The Lumin A1 works better with the Revels than the S1, it just has a better synergy.