It may be over for me - may lose everything

I don't think your boss was funny at all handling it like that. Informing my direct reports of raises and promotions was something I handled personally, professionally and timely.
I was about to say, I feel for you since I received a promotion last December which included a 9% raise, but also came with 90% less overtime. :reallymad: But instead, it looks like you work for a jerk. :D
I hope you have health insurance. With a boss that pulls shit like this, you're going to need it in the future. While you're at it, I'd dust off your resume and see what the market thinks you're worth. It never hurts to have a good inventory of your accomplishments and skills. This way, the next time this kind of thing happens you can know you're prepared for such events and not panic. You can think of Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction when he says 'Be Cool'.

Even 1.5 hours is too long to let someone stew on this kind of joke (if you want to even call it that). I don't know how everyone else feels about this, but this is an awful thing to do to someone.

I don't have health insurance, too expensive for nothing. Market worth: All I have going for me is experience and with many factors working against me, I'm currently being paid more even at my low wage than what the market thinks I'm worth. My age is a big factor working against me, I'm considered high risk employment, so this is my last job by current standards. I know it wasn't funny, but I also know my boss meant no harm, but he's a multimillionaire and sometimes they forget social graces. He should of just given me all the info up front (not to mention should have given me some raises before now, but who am I to say). Telling me up front would have been more than enough shock. I'll be alright. This is the first and I'm sure the only time he has ever done something like this. He didn't set out to hurt me. 6+ years working for him, I know him. Uh, ok, today was an exception, I'll give you that.
Mike, you struck a chord right there!

Me too I can tell you something similar, and not everyone all the time is fully aware of the 'grave' implications!
Humans are very sensitive animals. ...Better to love them with 'real' words of love & wisdom than bury them in the ground!

Very true!!!!! Although what is perplexing are the millions upon millions of humans who claim they are not sensitive. Go figure.
Wow...just reading through this thread. Eric, I am glad it worked out and as many have said, I also am disappointed by your boss' prank/joke. It certainly does not demonstrate good judgement on his part to say the least. Take it easy and celebrate with a glass of your favorite adult bevvie and take your natural tranquilizer, followed by 2 aspirins and gice us an update in the morning :D

I agree, he had poor judgement on this. I'm not an adult bev guy, but that don't matter. Music and a glass of juice is all it takes. I'm just adding the tranquilizer tonight to be sure. Plus it's all natural, (basically a cocktail of B vitamins designed to relax you and I can tell you they work and work good, at least the ones I take do! I don't go for synthetic crap.
Glad everything was only a joke or maybe GOD change your situation for the positive.
I'm only 42 years old and I born with a heart problem. Before I got operated 22 years ago I was
Very depress when I found out that maybe I could not outlive the operation. Too many things
to do and see. After that day I see life very different.
I work for the pleasure and not to live to work.
Money is important but more important is happiness and that can't be bought.
Have a child is priceless
Have a family is priceless
Have good friend is priceless
Have a good health is priceless
Have the possibility to walk and see priceless

You see there is many things money can't buy
Life is beautiful, enjoy it


Well, I'm not a believer in a single all powerful deity, but it's of no matter. what matters is how it turned out and the fact that it was poor judgement on my boss's part even though he meant no harm. Like I said this was a first for him as well, so I don't know how the hell he pulled it off, but I agree, it was insensitive.
Yes, money can't even buy music when you stop to think about it. Music is in us humans. The only thing have from that list is the ability to walk, see and hear. (The seeing part is on the fritz though).
Bottom line is that I'll be ok and I don't think my boss will ever do that again, it's not his nature usually.
If it was a big company - here is a good punk back - "I am suing you for harassment and undo stress detrimental to me health...$5,000,000". Not sure the size of your company but I don't think the HR department would find it funny. Settle out of court for 1.5 million. :panic:

It's a small private company with no HR. I can see the point, but I'm not into that. I get far more daily harassment and undo stress from my supervisor I have to put up with. Oh and yes, she is having fits over my raise. So while I suffer under her at the same time I get to watch her wrestle with her mental defect whatever it is.:D
I was about to say, I feel for you since I received a promotion last December which included a 9% raise, but also came with 90% less overtime. :reallymad: But instead, it looks like you work for a jerk. :D

No, my big boss who punked me, while it was not cool to do, is really not a jerk. He used to be far worse when I first started, but a year later he changed for the better. He just doesn't quite get the professional aspect of certain things and yes, he of all people should! My supervisor is the jerk and had no clue about any of it. I'm not forced into overtime, ever and have only worked over maybe 3 times in the time I've been there, but I work very hard during my usual time and was way way overdue for a raise. I asked a couple of times about 3 years into the job and always got the excuse of "well, if you can bring in revenue I can give you a raise" knowing full well that wasn't going to happen because I'm not in sales. I guess 6+ years later he had a change of heart?
That's an uncool punk.

I agree at least in my case it was. Perhaps others would not have been as effected or figured it out real quick or something? I've seen a couple of shows called "Punked" and this was similar. Problem is, I don't like that show.! You had me going there. Congrats on the raise and still having a job.


Yes, now imagine what was going through my mind! It was not a cool joke and I feel bad about sounding the alarm a few minutes before the jig was up, but I didn't know anything else at the time. I'm just thankful that most of the negative was a ruse. I will have a rough July with the pay schedule change (the true bad part), but I'll do what I have to do to get through it. I've already done the workout on paper and now I'll put it into a spreadsheet and I think I'll be ok. It will be a little rough working all month without a check coming until the end, but it's the same for everybody in the company now.
I don't have health insurance, too expensive for nothing. Market worth: All I have going for me is experience and with many factors working against me, I'm currently being paid more even at my low wage than what the market thinks I'm worth. My age is a big factor working against me, I'm considered high risk employment, so this is my last job by current standards. I know it wasn't funny, but I also know my boss meant no harm, but he's a multimillionaire and sometimes they forget social graces. He should of just given me all the info up front (not to mention should have given me some raises before now, but who am I to say). Telling me up front would have been more than enough shock. I'll be alright. This is the first and I'm sure the only time he has ever done something like this. He didn't set out to hurt me. 6+ years working for him, I know him. Uh, ok, today was an exception, I'll give you that.

Well your boss is a multimillionaire that explains alot NO CLASS WHAT SO EVER, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
I don't have health insurance, too expensive for nothing. Market worth: All I have going for me is experience and with many factors working against me, I'm currently being paid more even at my low wage than what the market thinks I'm worth. My age is a big factor working against me, I'm considered high risk employment, so this is my last job by current standards. I know it wasn't funny, but I also know my boss meant no harm, but he's a multimillionaire and sometimes they forget social graces. He should of just given me all the info up front (not to mention should have given me some raises before now, but who am I to say). Telling me up front would have been more than enough shock. I'll be alright. This is the first and I'm sure the only time he has ever done something like this. He didn't set out to hurt me. 6+ years working for him, I know him. Uh, ok, today was an exception, I'll give you that.

I guess it just proves the point that money doesn't breed common sense and compassion for your fellow beings (all things living for that matter). Cruelty should have no place in modern society.
My boss (the one who punked me) came to me earlier today and asked if I was ok with the new pay schedule and everything. I didn't get into how the joke he pulled was inappropriate, especially for someone such as myself. I know he was not trying to hurt me, but he does need an injection of awareness. I thanked him again for my raise and he repeated that "well, you deserve it, you earned it". Like I said he is not known for generosity, but he is noted for being a fair man (I guess yesterday he slipped a bit, but I believe he was not trying to hurt me. In his mind, he thought it was exciting and wanted to surprise me. He didn't know that just telling me would have been as surprising as all get out by itself). The good part to all this if one wants to extrapolate it, is that he doesn't give raises and he thought to give me one on his own accord. Sure 6+ years later is a bit late, but better late than never truly! I do appreciate that he thought to do it out of thin air. ~Eric I believe he won't do anything like that punking again, he is not capable of it as a rule. With his tells, I'm amazed that he pulled it off as long as he did.
I guess it just proves the point that money doesn't breed common sense and compassion for your fellow beings (all things living for that matter). Cruelty should have no place in modern society.

Unless one's head is right to begin with, money only breeds bad things in people. fame does the same. There are exceptions of course, though few.