Jacques...I know this is an old thread but I have some experience with Rockports (most specifically the Mira although I have also listened to the Ankaa and Aquila models as well). I have a local dealer that has the entire line up to the Altairs (one below the top of the line Arrakis which was featured in Robert Harley's AVG blog mentioned above by Stillone). This blog generated such a ruccus seemingly because many readers felt that the editors at TAS have been applying the adjective "best" much too frequently to pieces of gear that they review:yes:.
Anyway, here were my comments from that blog on Rockport: "pissing contest aside about RH's use of the word 'best,' I for one have heard Mr. Payor's Mira, Ankaa, and Aquila offerings both at Goodwins High End and at his facility, and I think there ought to be much more coverage of his offerings in the audiophile community. His speakers are phenomenal, with enveloping dynamics, deep subterranean bass, a pure midrange, and non-fatigueing highs and are tonally balanced across the frequency spectrum. They do not overly accentuate audiophile traits (whether imaging or hyper resolution or whatever other trait floats your boat) to score initial bonus points with the uninitiated, rather they are 'a music lover's' speaker because they are emotionally engaging and pay their dividends over the long haul without any listening fatigue. Furthermore, the Rockport house sound is preserved across Mr. Payor's entire line of speakers, all cut from the same sonic cloth, so that going up the speaker line (along with $ you have to shell out) gets you more of that sound, which is more than I can say for some other speaker manufacturers."
The blog by the way in case you are interested can be found here (although believe me it became a pissing contest about the use of the word "best" so I would not waste much time on all the readers' comments and just focus on Robert Harley's comments about his actual experience at Rockport's facilities and his listening time with the Arrakis):
The Best Stereo System I've Ever Heard | AVguide
Other links you may find useful:
UltraAudio.com TWBAS - TWBAS 2009: The Event (4/2009)
SoundStage! Network Ultra Audio -- Archived Article
UltraAudio.com Equipment Review - Rockport Technologies Ankaa Loudspeakers (6/2009)
StereoTimes --
I hope this helps and as you can see I am a huge fan of these speakers.