I asked Magico to marry me and the S5s said "yes"...


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Everything I've hoped for in a speaker, and so heavy they are staying...(Just sold the Maggie 3.7s seen hiding large behind the S5).

I've never seen you so happy to own a speaker. Wow! Do I need to hear these things? I remember when you were considering them.
Very nice. I've only had the opportunity to hear them on three occasions but I came away each time more and more intrigued and impressed. Happy listening.
I think I am at my pickiest and most agonizing when it comes to choosing speakers. I grew up listening to Magnepans (back in the early 80s) driven by a Hafler amp (modified by Musical Concepts), via a NAD preamp and an Empire 698 turntable with a Grado MM cartridge. I think I used lamp cord as speaker cable. That immediate, fast, transparent sound always stuck with me. Hence, after B&W, Dynaudio, Esoteric, Infinity, and other speakers, etc, I ended up with a pair of Maggie 3.7s and were loving them (stunning performance given the price). Then came the Magico S5 speakers. All the speed and clarity of a planar speaker, but whoa now with dynamics and extension and zero grain or hash. Alan Sircom's review in Hi-Fi + nailed what I am hearing. Compared to Q series, I think S series has a lower center of gravity...maybe not the absolute precision and absolute sound of the Q series, but very musical and easy to listen to. I'm smitten.
magnepan IIB's.jpg
Very nice. I've only had the opportunity to hear them on three occasions but I came away each time more and more intrigued and impressed. Happy listening.

Thanks, Nice System by the way! One of the most memorable speakers I have ever heard was a Dynaudio Special 25 driven by big musical fidelity amps at a high-end store in Seattle about 10 years ago. I can only imagine the C4 IIs driven by top of the line Pass Labs. Nice.
Darin - big congrats on those beauties. They are certainly becoming the sweet spot in the Magico lineup. Congrats on the sale too!

Staring at 2 S5 crates myself, looks like we will be setting them up Saturday.

Want to see pictures of those since I think Red is the best looking color (I went safe with the titanium gloss).
Darrin, congrats on the new speakers, they must be something if you went from the 3.7's to them. This place rocks!!!
Was sharing your excitement and forgot to congratulate you on your purchase, I think all the gloss finishes are sweet....maybe not the blue.

Hows the unpacking of the S5 speakers going? Heavy huh?
Hows the unpacking of the S5 speakers going? Heavy huh?

Not as much heavy, as tough to really get a good grip on. I suggest a pair of those rubber impregnated gloves from home depot....
Having no parallel walls/sharp edges makes them a bit difficoult to grip. Add to that the considerable weight @ 86kg/each.

I have the S5 loaners right now. Didn't really have a chance to listen yet - still breaking them in by simply playing music 24/7.
Having no parallel walls/sharp edges makes them a bit difficoult to grip. Add to that the considerable weight @ 86kg/each.

I have the S5 loaners right now. Didn't really have a chance to listen yet - still breaking them in by simply playing music 24/7.


Look forward to your impressions. Seems like their are a lot happy owners out there.
