
Joe - thanks to you too buddy! You were very encouraging and gave me some terrific ideas for the site too! I couldn't have developed the site without you and Mark! Thanks! :)
Joe - thanks to you too buddy! You were very encouraging and gave me some terrific ideas for the site too! I couldn't have developed the site without you and Mark! Thanks! :)

Huge congratulations Mike!

I am not worthy. :p
Hi all! A new audio site, how exciting! In the spirit of the sea theme of the site, I shall be know as TheOctopus :cool:
New Posts

Hi everyone,

The version of the software we are using is brand new! It has many great features.

If you want to see all the posts from today, click on "Quick Links" at the top and "Today's Posts".:rolleyes:

Quick question~ ! Are we going to have a smartphone app ?


This is from Mike. I am sure it's in the works.

* We have an iPad app and an iPhone app for the site developed and submitted to Apple for approval. I'm hoping it gets approved within the next few weeks.
Hey gang, how is it!!! WOOHOOO a new site, YEAH! Thanks for the invite Mike.