Hello! from HiFiGuy528

Mike..Welcome to AS.. Will be looking forward to all your informative reviews Sir...
Hi Mike - Welcome! We have our own headphone section and I'm looking forward to some of your great posts and reviews!
Glad you're here Mike.

I'm currently waiting on a set of T1s. I chose the Beyer partially due to a review of yours and a gentle nudge by Jeff W. (as well as a slew of positive reviews). I'm looking forward to exploring the world of headphones. Your experience in that dept. will be an asset here.
Glad you're here Mike.

I'm currently waiting on a set of T1s. I chose the Beyer partially due to a review of yours and a gentle nudge by Jeff W. (as well as a slew of positive reviews). I'm looking forward to exploring the world of headphones. Your experience in that dept. will be an asset here.

My favorite headphones to-date. You made a good choice. Post your comments in the headphones section so we can share our experiences with others. :)
so many people I know here. This is really cool.

I've invited Dan (MrSpeakers). Hope he will join us.
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