Hello from Chicago.


New member
May 6, 2013
Hi gang. Just learned of this place and I'm looking for a bit of a lifeboat from over-thinking audio where I can just hang out and have fun. This looks like a nice place with good people.

My name's John, I have a lot of audio gear from all different time periods, new old, cheap, pricey, whatever and just all types of stuff. Mostly I just kind of want to hang out though. Just looking for a way back into having fun with this stuff!
Thank you all. Sharktown seems like a nice island habitat. I am descendent from shipbuilders on an island in the North Sea so let me assume that the audio-sea is in my blood.

Now to fill out the gear lists and whatnot. Its strange starting over at a place. Good to be a newb. Nice VPI Classic 3 up there...I have an original Classic. Very nice table. I'm currently running a humble but lovely Dual CS-721 that I got from a member here, which is how I came to know of the place.
Hi John,

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for joining! Have fun!
Laid back is what I'm looking for.

Is that a giant Line Magnetic amp, Joe? I've only seen/heard the smaller ones in person. It just looks like their styling.
Laid back is what I'm looking for.

Is that a giant Line Magnetic amp, Joe? I've only seen/heard the smaller ones in person. It just looks like their styling.

Hi John,

Yes it is. It's a LM 219 IA. I've been obsessing lately and I'd love to hear one.
That looks like it certainly is worth a bit of obsession. The build on their gear seems top notch.
John... Hello & Welcome to AudioShark!!!

Hi gang. Just learned of this place and I'm looking for a bit of a lifeboat from over-thinking audio where I can just hang out and have fun. This looks like a nice place with good people.

My name's John, I have a lot of audio gear from all different time periods, new old, cheap, pricey, whatever and just all types of stuff. Mostly I just kind of want to hang out though. Just looking for a way back into having fun with this stuff!

Welcome.jpg To this great forum JohnVF
Hey John, welcome to audioshark, you wont need the gun, trust me! :D

Being a Star Wars Blaster, its notoriously inaccurate. Just ask the Storm Troopers. 3 movies of shooting and only hit one main character, Princess Leia, in the shoulder. Nothing to worry about! And now I've painted myself the local nerd.