A headphone topic and no one mentions Beyerdynamic or Audio Technica. While I only use headphone when playing computer games or watching YouTube. These two brands are IMHO iconic. The ATH-AD700 I have is so comfortable. My girlfriend is very happy with her D990 edition.
If my Audio Technica was to die, I would buy the current incarnation in a minute.
I wanted to hate the HiFiMan Susvara so bad, but finally got to borrow them, and have to admit they blew me away. Those $6K Susvaras out of just a $2K amplifier (Headamp GS-X mini) almost, ALMOST matched the Stax 009, 009S, or 007 from my $12K DIY T2 uber-amplifier (as in, it's a long way down in performance to even a BHSE or Carbon from here). That's 8K total vs. 16K. And it certainly got a lot closer than anything else I've heard. The Focal Utopia, Stellia, and Meze Empyrean were absolutely blown out of the water by comparison, though I think on an absolute scale those are very nice sounding headphones. The Ether E electrostats couldn't keep pace.
They still need to work on build quality, but man - such good sound.
I really wish I had them around now, while my Stax amp is down, grrrrr.
I didn't see a thread on Portable Music Players. Recently I have been using my portable a lot more, at work, traveling, etc. I have had a Pono for a while and it was good, but I also always felt it was limited a bit. I recently got a gently use Astell&Kern AK240. What a wonderful player. Sounds incredible!
I love my Focal Clear headphones. They are great for home use and though they play well on the AK they are simply a bit too bulky to lug along to work or on an airplane, etc. Therefore I recently tried the Audeze iSine headphones. Really nice and very comfortable in my view. I read that sometimes they are referred to as small Planar Magnetic headphones hanging next to your ears. I tried the 10s and was very impressed so I just had a pair of the 20s that arrived today. I would love to try the LCDi4 but honestly, $2500 for portable IEM headphones is a touch too steep ...
Very impressive for small ear phones that sort of hang next to your ears ....
I just returned home today from a trip back east. Unfortunately the trip was for my father's funeral. He was 91 and had a good long life and affected many!
A brand new pair of Audeze LCD-i4 were waiting for me when I arrived home. I just listened to them for the past couple hours. I have to say they are quite stunning. I know from the lower Audeze models that they will improve with some break in time, however I have to say that this was probably the best headphone experience I have ever had.
I really like my Focal Clear headphones; I also enjoyed the Mr. Speaker Ether, the Sennheiser HD800S, and the McIntosh MHP1000 that I have previous owned; however none ever made me feel like I was not listening to headphones. With the Audeze LCD-i4 I totally forgot I had headphones on and became absorbed in the music.
Tremendous in every way; amazing sounding and felt like there was nothing on my head just wonderful sound emanating around me!