For Matt - Buying a legacy turntable


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Seattle Area
Matt was looking into tables (preferably new) and we gave some recs...but I wanted to show you could search for a legacy table EVEN ON EBAY and find some gems.

I spent part of today researching what was out there. I knew what I was seeking. An auto or semi auto for when I cant keep my eye on my Concept (Full Manual). So I searched and settled on this one:

Vintage Pioneer PL 500 Shure Premier Cartridge Needle Excellent Condition | eBay

I got it for an Offer of $200 and free shipping. Its a very cool table...I owned the PL600 at one time (sorry I sold it) as it was much better than I gave it credit for. I would have to pay double what I sold it for to get another. The PL-500 is a damn close 2nd...and will serve my needs. I will put my AT440MLa on it and use the ART DJ Pre phono for it..

Now, of course, its not my Clearaudio Concept/Phonomena II/Concept MC cart quality...But its a close enough second for that type of listening (wandering the house) and no worries about it carving a groove in a record label...LOL

Here is the PL-600 I used to about ROCK steady...the base, paintjob and plaque are me..

Actually, new, or used. :)

* He can even go to second-hand stores (thrift stores, Salvation Army stores, Goodwill stores, etc.) from his area and he might be lucky and find one or two or three for roughly $20 each! ...Pioneer TTs, Sony linear drive ones, Denon, Technics, Dual, etc.
Just be patient, and like a lot of people it'll come to you.

And who knows, there might even be a member here willing to give you one for free!
Then just buy a decent cartridge for it.
Actually, new, or used. :)

* He can even go to second-hand stores (thrift stores, Salvation Army stores, Goodwill stores, etc.) from his area and he might be lucky and find one or two or three for roughly $20 each! ...Pioneer TTs, Sony linear drive ones, Denon, Technics, Dual, etc.
Just be patient, and like a lot of people it'll come to you.

And who knows, there might even be a member here willing to give you one for free!
Then just buy a decent cartridge for it.

Very true...the key here though is knowing what to look for ...experience in this arena can check your local craigslist, etc...make sure it is operational (cart is irrelevant since you can replace easily) , cosmetically looks like it was cared for ...and read up on them at places like


Become a free member and the library contains the user manual and or service manual for almost every turntable !
Thanks for the info. I actually have been scouting out a few vintage tables here and there and posted a ad on CL to see if I can get any local bites. My dad actually has what I believe to be a Pioneer PL-41 with a bad cart. He offered it to me, but I'm going to pass because I think he still would enjoy it if he had a working cartridge for it. I got him a new belt for it last year so he could use it with his 2 channel system we got him for Christmas 2011, but just now found that he can't use it because of the bad cart. :(
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Thanks for the info. I actually have been scouting out a few vintage tables here and there and posted a ad on CL to see if I can get any local bites. My dad actually has what I believe to be a Pioneer PL-41 with a bad cart. He offered it to me, but I'm going to pass because I think he still would enjoy it if he had a working cartridge for it. I got him a new belt for it last year so he could use it with his 2 channel system we got him for Christmas 2011, but just now found that he can't use it because of the bad cart. :(

Christmas's coming up; perfect time for your Dad's perfect present.
Nope, that's the perfect price range. Those are the two that seem to come up over and over in the threads I've run across. Would one be better than the other for rock and classical music?
I have an AT120E (paid about $100, maybe $120 a while ago), but you can get for closer to $50 now.
She's ok, but I'm shure there's better out there in the $100 range.

Jeff would probably know. ...Ortofon, any good? /// Denon? /// Shure? /// Lyra? ...Yeah, Sumiko; sounds right too.
After reading countless threads about my Dad's TT, it looks like the Denon DL-110 or the AT95E are the best cartridges for it due to it's high mass arm.
Those are good Matt. By the way I also have that AT95E. I still prefer the AT120E though; it's a better cartridge and doesn't cost much more at all. :)
The AT120E should be roughly $50-60 not much more. ...Retails for $150 Cdn here, in igloo country. ;)

The DENON DL-103 is another good one. I bet you can get it for around $100.

Don't cheap out on your Dad.