finally - a couple of bad pics of my system


this is my N Texas view.

how do you upload pics so they are bigger?

I clicked on your images so they were bigger and right clicked on them and picked copy image location. Then I used this Posting photo link

I think you can upload them to your AS photo album and then pst from there with that img link.
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Sweet that speedometer on the amp..How many miles to the gallon do you get ? Kidding...Its beautiful... are going to have more and more issues with members because of the attach picture function as it is a security threat ..I know it is doing dual purpose but the FROM url should just be the HTML IMG function..the from computer should be a straight upload...ask your PC wiz (use AK as an example of the two SEPARATE functions)

Just trying to help :woot:
Pictures and miscellaneous ...

... are going to have more and more issues with members because of the attach picture function as it is a security threat ..I know it is doing dual purpose but the FROM url should just be the HTML IMG function..the from computer should be a straight upload...ask your PC wiz (use AK as an example of the two SEPARATE functions)

Just trying to help :woot:

You're right Rob, the [Insert Image] function is not up to speed yet.
- I never use it myself; I go around it. ...But the [Insert Video] feature works properly though. :cool:


* TEST only; checking for Attachment picture download:

----- 11-05-20_Highend_123.jpg
Jock, very nice! do you use the Dag or the Ayre gear to drive your the Raidho's?