Behavior Moderator (be nice police!)
So sad !! As long as people hate, things like this are bound to happen. My prayers go out to all affected by this senseless act of violence.
I am moved to sadness....this is what makes no sense at all
it never serves anything except to kill innocent people. It doesn't change policy, it doesn't change life, it changes nothing when terrorists attack (foreign or domestic). Regardless if it is Al Quida or the American sons of whatever...It changes nothing. They don't get it. Its a wasted tactic. And in its wake, innocents like children are, women..not soildiers. Not with honor but dishonor and how deluded.
Many say they do it in the name of God, God is great. Well, if they really believed God was so great, HE DOESNT NEED THEM TO SMITE ANYONE. HE could do it himself. So even in their belief, they show their unbelief. God doesn't want the blood of ANYONE; especially innocents and if He did, a bat of an eyelash and He could send you a personal tornado..sheesh
I hope they catch the ^%&*%$$#* and string them up...mob rule. Sorry, it just gets to me.
Bay...perfectly said. Agree with everything you said 100%!
So sad !! As long as people hate, things like this are bound to happen. My prayers go out to all affected by this senseless act of violence.
Mark, I meditated a lot recently, and I thought of sharing some; but just didn't know where to start and what conclusion can be extracted from it.
Love, is the true power, and not just here, but everywhere. Without love we are simply nothing, nothing at all! ...Only love, everywhere in the world, can conquer the hardships of doomsday.
And love has to be taught to all our children's children, all across the universe. ...Every single day.
And the past has to be the constructive lesson.
Imagine, just for a moment ....
News Alert!!! They have an image of a suspect and are saying an arrest is immanent.
News Alert!!! They have an image of a suspect and are saying an arrest is immanent.
Suspect is in custody but no details or photos have been released yet.
I can only pray that this is the scumbag that perpetrated this needless tragedy.
BTW Mark, thanks for the friendship request.