ClearAudio Concept in the house... you change lp's while the platter is spinning or do you have to shut the deck off to change sides also do you a weight or clamp?

Dave you change lp's while the platter is spinning or do you have to shut the deck off to change sides also do you a weight or clamp?


I have had to UNLEARN changing albums while spinning.

Why ?

On my other tables I had a rubber mat with a felt mat top. So lifting an LP and dropping a new one was no issue.

With the Concept, I don't use a felt mat and grabbing the LP makes it scrape the platter as it spins. It may be nothing but over time I am sure that causes scuffs.

So YES. Shut down. Change LP. Spin platter and turn on ...

EDIT: Special note..Always remember with a belt drive to PRE SPIN...not doing so wears out the belt.
Rob, just out of curiosity; is your wife into albums (vinyl) too?

The listening part...LOL..She loves that I love it. She is the one who painted and decorated my music room (was the formal dining room but we did not need it)

Her preference is to use my Surface tablet into my main rig and play MS XBOX Music...she even knows how to work my amps and such...

why do you ask ?:eyebrow:
From the lovely picture that I saw of her before she seems to be very sweet and with an inclination into sweet music.
In addition because you are very articulate and passionate on everything 'turntable' related,
and I feel the positive addiction that it could generate to people close to you.

...Just call it a hunch, an artistic instinct. :)
I have had to UNLEARN changing albums while spinning.

I'm with you there Rob. Even though it's been a long time since my last table I still have the habit of flipping the album while it's spinning. As noted, you really shouldn't do that with this table. I also have to train myself to use the Magic Eraser after each record.
I have had to UNLEARN changing albums while spinning.

Why ?

On my other tables I had a rubber mat with a felt mat top. So lifting an LP and dropping a new one was no issue.

With the Concept, I don't use a felt mat and grabbing the LP makes it scrape the platter as it spins. It may be nothing but over time I am sure that causes scuffs.

So YES. Shut down. Change LP. Spin platter and turn on ...

EDIT: Special note..Always remember with a belt drive to PRE SPIN...not doing so wears out the belt.

Rob...thank you my friend. Might not hurt to change while spinning but being cautious never hurt anything. Enjoy the 'table.

Yeah...we all learn our methods and rituals...LOL

Kind of like I know to turn my phono stage on BEFORE my pre-amp so I don't get any surge pop.

First thing ON is the tube power amp. Then phono stage. Then pre. Get the album. Is it clean and dust free ? If not, put on RCM, clean, dry. Put on TT. Spin platter and switch on. Move arm. cue down...Listen

I also check the stylus angle periodically. Is it leaning at all ? No. Good. If so is anything off ?

Okay, music is easier..but not as much fun !!! should really power up sources first then amp and when powering down amps off first then sources. my order was okay except, the power amp (tube) should be last ? Thank you !!! I got used to turning that one on first because of the slow takes about 90 seconds (has a slow start feature, warms the tubes, then comes on0

Thanks for the tip my friend !!!
Rob, I keep my phono stage on all the time. Am I missing something in terms of a switch or do you unplug it every time? Perhaps it's on a power strip. Anyway, enlighten me bro!
Rob, I keep my phono stage on all the time. Am I missing something in terms of a switch or do you unplug it every time? Perhaps it's on a power strip. Anyway, enlighten me bro!

I have the Phonomena on a power strip switch (its the only item) I just don't feel right with it being on 24 by 7..can;t be good for the capacitors long term..