Bryston speakers

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Model A1 – Professional Feedback

January 2016

Hello James.

I've been holding off sending in my review of my Model A1's as I've been trying just about every genre of music and sounds to put them threw their paces, if you will. Being a professional audio engineer I demand perfection from my gear.

A1 Natural Cherry.jpg

The Model A1's have performed wonderfully! They are being driven by a 4B and have been performing as well as they look. Pure jewellery! Bravo!!!

I have sent them sound sources that most people would never have occasion to and I must say that the Model A1's do what they do so well and with effortless perfection.
I have yet to hear any sound source that needed any kind of "help" via EQ or otherwise.

I have shown them off to anyone who will listen. Everyone agrees that they are the best sounding and looking speakers that they've ever heard or seen.

I say; "Bragging rights? BRYSTON!"

Kenneth B Veitch
Professional Audio/lighting Engineer
Casino Rama, Kingbridge Centre, Various Major Cruise lines.
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Sneak Peak – Bryston Surround System Review

Sneak Peak !


Doug Blackburn from Widescreen Review Magazine has done a very extensive review of a Bryston Surround System which will be published in their February 2016 addition.

Favourite Quotes:

The Bryston A2s don’t editorialize the sound in any way I can identify. They don’t sound fast/slow or bright/dark or etched/rounded. They just sound normal/natural and un-gimmicked. This is the kind of sound few people dream of, but most people should want the natural sound of loudspeakers like the A2s.

Bryston did exactly the right thing with the design of the AC-1 Mini. It’s the sort of center channel I would consider owning if my setup allowed for the fairly large size of the AC-1 Mini.

Music listening on the Bryston Mini A speakers was surprisingly satisfying. I easily got drawn in during several listening sessions that were supposed to be brief examinations. Each session turned into a few hours of listening to both new and old favorite tracks.

The quality of the Bryston Model A Sub’s bass is excellent overall. It’s as good as any subwoofer I’ve heard down to its limit.

Bryston has delivered the sort of loudspeakers you might expect from a well-respected electronic components manufacturer. Serious performers, no baloney design, no silly/snake-oil explanations about how the loudspeakers work, no outrageous claims. Just solid engineering, purposeful design, engineered for reliability and performance.
I'm curious what types of custom veneers you offer. I've seen rosewood on a few occasions but I thinks that's it. Do you offer options such as:

bird's eye maple
quilted maple
spalted maple
burl walnut
santos rosewood (as seen on Aerial Acoustics speakers)
pommele sapele (as seen on TAD Reference One's)

Also what about stains, do you offer custom stains and are you able to match supplied samples?

Yes we can do custom finishes. Some customers have sent us samples on the stain colour they want and we will send back a sample board for them to approve.

Wood veneers depend on what is available to purchase.

For instance the Santos Rosewood we can only get twice a year and the last batch we built 25 pairs of speakers and they were snapped up in about 2 weeks.


Yes we can do custom finishes. Some customers have sent us samples on the stain colour they want and we will send back a sample board for them to approve.

Wood veneers depend on what is available to purchase.

For instance the Santos Rosewood we can only get twice a year and the last batch we built 25 pairs of speakers and they were snapped up in about 2 weeks.


Very nice, thanks
Do you know if you have built any quilted maple, bird's eye maple and burl walnut speakers in the past? If so are there pictures available?

I love these exotic veneers but as with guitars I suspect there can be an incredible variance in the quality/density of the deformation. For guitars I always preferred knowing there was a custom shop option available rather than off the shelf because that gives more of a guarantee of the quality. I've seen off the shelf bird's eye maple necks have so little bird's eye present you could hardly call it such. Definitely densely packed bird's eye is dramatically different. Quilted maple suffers the same thing, how deep the quilt looks and how much of it is present. Shop's like David Thomas McNaught, PRS Private Stock and Warrior Guitars seem to have access to some amazing quality figured woods.
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Model T ON-WALL Speakers

February 2016

HI James

I ordered my four Bryston Model T On-Wall speakers in Walnut from Dave at Audio Emporium several months ago. These were to replace a series of (EDIT) on wall speakers ranging from (EDIT) and later (EDIT). I have been considering switching my B&W 802 fronts, HTM1 center and two Nautilus series subs with Bryston speakers but wanted to walk prior to running and decided to start with the surround speakers.

onwall scn 4.jpg

Upon opening the cartons I was pleased with the walnut finish and the solid look and feel of the quality construction. Obviously comparing the Bryston On-Wall speakers to the (EDIT) line from (EDIT) is not a fair comparison. The Bryston speakers are far superior in every aspect. The comparison to the (EDIT) is a fair comparison, however I sold my (EDIT) for the same price I paid for the new Bryston speakers which is beyond amazing, and makes it very clear how good of value the Bryston On-Wall speakers are!

The mounting system for the Bryston speakers is genius! The mounting system alone puts the Bryston speakers in a league beyond that of either of the (EDIT) speakers. After making all the connections I appreciate the simplicity of the Bryston speakers, they are not too big and look very elegant, and they would be a fine addition to any theater room.

I decided to first listen to some music thru my BDP-2/SP3 combination. I isolated just a pair of the new Bryston speakers just to be able to evaluate them. I was immediately pleased with how musical these small speakers are. A pair of these would make for a killer setup for my office! I moved onto the real purpose for me and that was surrounds for my theater setup.

I first put in a new Blu-Ray from Pat Metheny "The Unity Sessions". The last track on the DVD "Medley" was amazing, I could not be more pleased. They offered so much more than the (EDIT) speakers that I could not believe I had waited to make the switch. The Bryston speakers filled in the sound perfectly in the rear of my room. After moving around the room to evaluate various listening positions, the new Bryston speakers continued to amaze me.

After having them in my room now for about a month I am very satisfied. They are everything I could have hoped for and in my opinion some of the best surround speakers I have heard.

The only complaint I have with my new Bryston T On-Wall speakers is they have me wondering, should I go all in? Should I give up my much loved (EDIT) front setup for the Model T's? It’s a tough decision to make, I really like what I have up front but the change on the rears has me wondering!

Wonderful speakers, wonderful value!

Joe Pichette
Hi folks,


Just received a terrific and very in-depth review of a complete Bryston Speaker Surround system consisting of the A2 Tower, AC-1 Mini Center, Mini A Bookshelf, Model A Subwoofer.


Please note his comments regarding the use of the Model A2 Towers in a straight up Stereo system.

“I could easily live with the A2 as the front left and right anchors in a typical stereo system. This is the kind of sound people dream of.”

I have the complete PDF if anyone wants a copy - [email protected]

P.S. - Its 5 pages
Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 2:24 PM
To: [email protected]

Hi James,

After the last audio show in Montreal last year, I decided that it was time to change my speakers. I'm glad that I did, I did began with the Middle T and the TC mini 1. Wow a change it made with all the things that we listen with it.

In october I bought my last piece, wich is the mini T bookshelf, but didn't have time to built my own bracket wall to install them. But everything change this past week end, I hang them last saturday and did my new level noise adjustment. I pass an hour making fine tuning adjustment.

I have to tell you that I was so impress with the result, I'm immerse in sound, it is all around me, every details is absolute clear. For shure the amp are very qualifier for the task, I power the front with a 4BSST and the other 3 channel is with a 6BSST.

It's been a long time that I didn't really enjoy my sound system like that, everything sound great, music, movie, even mp3 wich is actually pretty crap music.

All this to say that you have a very very happy customer and a long time customer addicted to your BRAND. Continue your good work.

Robert Caron
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Custom Tops For Bryston Speakers

February 2016

Hi Folks

Just wanted to inform you that we now have ‘Custom Tops’ for the Bryston ‘Mini T’ and ‘Mini A’ bookshelf speakers.

These new custom tops can be ordered as an ‘option’ with any of our ‘Target Speaker Stands.’

The Mini T top fits on the Target ‘MR Series’ stands.

The Mini T can be bolted directly to the top for more stability and better acoustic coupling or can rest free on rubber pads (supplied), small flat spikes (supplied) or Blu-Tack (not supplied).

Top Plate Mini T.jpg

The Mini A top fits on all three Target ‘HR, HS and FS Series’ speaker stands.

The Mini A top plate can be rotated 180 degrees when assembling depending on which frontal appearance you want your stand to have.

Top Plate Mini A.jpg
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: CES 2016 Bryston Demo – Audio Beat Award !

AB Logo.jpg


The Audio Beat 2016 Jimmy Awards

Demo System CES 2016.jpg

The Bryston suite provided an opportunity to converse with one of the great men of high-end audio.

While a number of visitors milled about, Bryston’s vice-president and brain-trust, James Tanner, sat alone on a sofa rapt in music. I seized the opportunity to park myself next to him. James was in a cordial mood. Indeed, the smallest in the line of Tanner-sponsored loudspeakers rocked the house. The Mini-T is the Baby Huey of bookshelf speakers.

A three-way with 8" woofer, the Mini-T weighs in at 42 pounds. Shoving one onto a shelf could be a chore. James Tanner’s design brief was, first of all, to eliminate dynamic compression. Mission accomplished!

The Mini-T’s dynamic capability rivaled that of loudspeakers twice as large and ten times the price.

The second goal was to attain wide dispersion with a generous sweet spot. The Mini-T was not quite capable of three abreast imaging, but it was great for two. The Bryston electronics consisted of Bryston BDP2 digital player, BDA3 DAC, BP26 preamp and new 7B [Cubed] mono amplifier. Before the show, Mr. Tanner was on my list for a Lifetime Achievement Award, but based on the performance of the Mini-T, I see he’s not done yet.

For the Most Lifelike-Sounding Bookshelf Speaker, the Mini-T racks up a Jimmy Award.

Jim Saxon
Audio Beat Magazine.
Such testaments are not just a credit to the speakers but to the entire system. No matter how good a speaker is if the source and electronics are not of suitable quality the reproduction will obviously suffer. So the BDA-3 DAC, the BP26 preamp and 7B Cubed amps should be given their due for the overall system's performance as well as the speakers. Kudos to Bryston for consistently receiving so many accolades!
Such testaments are not just a credit to the speakers but to the entire system. No matter how good a speaker is if the source and electronics are not of suitable quality the reproduction will obviously suffer. So the BDA-3 DAC, the BP26 preamp and 7B Cubed amps should be given their due for the overall system's performance as well as the speakers. Kudos to Bryston for consistently receiving so many accolades!

HI Bill

Good point and I think the quality of the overall system has to be stressed more than most reviewers do. It is common at shows if you have great sound that the Speaker gets all the credit - but as you say the front end either delivers or it doesn't. THE DEMO IS EVERYTHING - THE REST IS RHETORIC!
Hi Folks,

Sneak Peak:


The Bryston A2 speaker is making quite a name for itself - just received a 'Stellar Sound Award' from Everything Audio.

A2 With Outriggers (1).jpg


My favourite comment:

Likes: great midrange
Dislikes: a speaker with no downside
Wow Factor: Bryston equals accuracy

Based on my testing, I am also awarding the Bryston A2 an Everything Audio Network Stellar Sound Award.

John Gatsky.

Full review will be online shortly.

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Congratulations Peter on your GRAMMY WIN !

February, 2016

Peter Moore: From the Basement Tapes To Grammy Glory !


L to R: Steve Berkowitz, Jan Haust, Peter J. Moore

The pairing of Peter Moore and Jan Haust - two Canadian music historians - whistled Dixie Monday night after receiving a Grammy Award for Bob Dylan and The Band's legendary lost The Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series Vol. 11, cited for

“Historical Album of the Year.”

The duo shared the award with Americans Steve Berkowitz, Jeff Rosen and Mark Wilder.

Haust was credited as Producer, along with Berkowitz and Rosen, while Moore and Wilder were was credited as mastering engineers.

Peter mastered this recording using:

• Bryston ‘Middle T’ speakers.

• Bryston ‘4B-SST2’ amplifiers.

James Tanner,
V/P Bryston Ltd.