Boulder 3050


Apr 7, 2013
I was reading Jeff review of the 3050 in Tone Pub. I was wondering how hot 900 watts of class A is? It must be off the charts.

Did you see the size of the beast? The heat isn't that important since it's spread out over three different zip codes.



I think Boulder uses a sliding scale so it's ramped up as needed. I don't understand what they do but I do not think it runs like a conventional Class A amp.
good question I was kinda wondering the same thing.
says in the manual these things draw only 300 watts "nominal"... which by this I assume there must be some floating bias or some such as I can't imagine they wouldn't draw a ton more if class A all the time..

They say 6000 watts max @ 220VAC.. which means when listening to Stairway to Heaven, at fatal levels, one would need minimum two each 30 Amp 220 Lines..and 2ea 40Amp@220 would be better.

These are clearly not for the faint of heart. :exciting::amazing::crackedout:
I was reading Jeff review of the 3050 in Tone Pub. I was wondering how hot 900 watts of class A is? It must be off the charts.


I would have to keep that amplifier in the garage or a shed.

I couldn't afford to air condition the room with that kind of heat production in non-winter months.
I have not heard the 3050, but I have heard the 2050 amps with the 2000 series preamp and dCS stack that was current around 2005 on the Martin Logan Statement e2 and they were spectacular.
Ya gotta like any amplifier that's built using what looks like a V8 Engine building stand! :D

I would love to have the chance to listen to these. Not that I could ever afford them but I really like the design. I think they would fall through my floor though! Definitely a show piece.

I have not heard the 3050, but I have heard the 2050 amps with the 2000 series preamp and dCS stack that was current around 2005 on the Martin Logan Statement e2 and they were spectacular.

I haven'e heard the 3050 either but as you note other Boulder gear can be outstanding especially with Focal EM speakers.
I have substantial experience listening to the 2050/2010 with Accuphase, Tara Labs, Focal....I have never and I mean NEVER heard anything like that system. In fact, I was at my friend's audio store at least 5 nights a week for five months or more and what I heard was phenomenal...and what I have heard from people who have heard the 3050's (and whose ears I trust implicitly) say that the improvements from the 2050 to the 3050 is beyond description. "Game changer" is the most common term I have heard bandied about when talking about the 3050', add in the new 2110 Preamp and it may be time to have a large supply of clean underwear when listening.

I will get a chance to test this out for myself after RMAF, as I have a scheduled audition at the Boulder factory on the Monday after. The 3050's, 2110, unknown source (likely Boulder's DAC and CD player) through the Focal Grande Utopia EM speakers. WOO HOOOOO

I would love to have the chance to listen to these. Not that I could ever afford them but I really like the design. I think they would fall through my floor though! Definitely a show piece.


While I love this image, it does not in any way give you and idea as to the size....

SO, I will attach an image with Boulder's HEAD HONCHO Jeff Nelson to give you a sense of scale....MUHahahahahahahaJeff Nelson 3050 Monoblocks.jpg


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I have substantial experience listening to the 2050/2010 with Accuphase, Tara Labs, Focal....I have never and I mean NEVER heard anything like that system. In fact, I was at my friend's audio store at least 5 nights a week for five months or more and what I heard was phenomenal...and what I have heard from people who have heard the 3050's (and whose ears I trust implicitly) say that the improvements from the 2050 to the 3050 is beyond description. "Game changer" is the most common term I have heard bandied about when talking about the 3050', add in the new 2110 Preamp and it may be time to have a large supply of clean underwear when listening.

I will get a chance to test this out for myself after RMAF, as I have a scheduled audition at the Boulder factory on the Monday after. The 3050's, 2110, unknown source (likely Boulder's DAC and CD player) through the Focal Grande Utopia EM speakers. WOO HOOOOO

I've heard the exact same thing from another friend of mine. He considers the the 3000 series the best amp he's ever heard and the only Boulder amp he would buy.
Whats crazy is these weigh 430lbs each...and the Krell Master Reference Amp of old weighs 683 lbs each. Both monsters!
Wow, those are massive specs on their size. Things like this always makes me wonder how Dan got his Dag's to fit in that smaller chassis (though, I know Class A is to be bigger because of their bias).