Bob Carver ‘Black Magic’ VTA 20S Tube Amplifier Review from ...

I realize I'm pulling this thread from the grave a bit; but I just took one of Joe's Black Magic, off his hands...and I couldn't be more excited!

I've always had an eye on this little beauty; because I think it looks like a million bucks...and I'm hoping it sounds as good too.

I've always wanted to "get small"...with a SET, and some really high-efficiency speakers. And while I realize this isn't a SET; I am hoping for a little EL-84 magic...paired with some full-range Omega A8s I scored.

Not replacing the 30.1s certainly (or the KEFs, lol); a sweet, little 2nd system (or 3rd, or 4th...depending on how you count these things). As I said...couldn't be more excited :celebrate008_2:
Thanks Chris,

It could not have come at a better time. I guess you should have it in your hands soon so please keep us updated.

Enjoy it. I'm sure it's not even broken in yet because I never used that one. :)
Thanks Chris,

It could not have come at a better time. I guess you should have it in your hands soon so please keep us updated.

Enjoy it. I'm sure it's not even broken in yet because I never used that one. :)

Happy to the joeinid-strad-fund :)

Amp arrives today; Omegas not until Thursday :(
Thanks Chris,

It could not have come at a better time. I guess you should have it in your hands soon so please keep us updated.

Enjoy it. I'm sure it's not even broken in yet because I never used that one. :)

Joe, you're my hero! :heart:

Definitely let us know how you like it Chris.
Magic in da house! Here's a little teaser pic (and if you want to know about the rest of the set-up; just take a peek at the sig :)


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My trusted dealer swears by these and he carries stuff in the stratosphere

It would be an interesting comparison/test when you get the RM-10 sorted out to see what you think about the two designers different execution of the EL-84 amplifier. Just need to have a speaker on hand that will play nice with both of them.
Hey, 1 out of 2 isn't bad!

Time to pop some tubes in that beauty Chris. :celebrate008_2:

Agreed! The pre-amp tubes (ax7s), literally say 12ax7(b) and 'China'; and that's By all accounts, that makes them Shuguang; and while I'm not denigrating them...we can do better, yes? I have some NOS Mullards, that I'll pop in...once the Omegas drop.

As for EL-84s; that's a new beast to me. I know the BM, has 'M' version EL-84s, which are supposed to have a higher current tolerance; but I don't think I have to worry about running out of juice, with the 96db A8s :) So...I am open to suggestions! soon as Joe, sends me that remote; I'll be all set. :P

I'll get right on it. :cool:

Just be careful with tube substitution.

Agreed! The pre-amp tubes (ax7s), literally say 12ax7(b) and 'China'; and that's By all accounts, that makes them Shuguang; and while I'm not denigrating them...we can do better, yes? I have some NOS Mullards, that I'll pop in...once the Omegas drop.

As for EL-84s; that's a new beast to me. I know the BM, has 'M' version EL-84s, which are supposed to have a higher current tolerance; but I don't think I have to worry about running out of juice, with the 96db A8s :) So...I am open to suggestions! soon as Joe, sends me that remote; I'll be all set. :P

I'll get right on it. :cool:

Just be careful with tube substitution.

What's your concern, tube-wise Joseph?

I already have the Mullard CV4004s; I think I'll also try some TungSol in the pre-amp spot.

As for EL-84s; Tungsram sound intriguing...and you can never go wrong with Gold Lions!
I think the version in the Carver are run harder. I am not sure if that means increased voltage too. I've never tried rolling them.
What's your concern, tube-wise Joseph?

I already have the Mullard CV4004s; I think I'll also try some TungSol in the pre-amp spot.

As for EL-84s; Tungsram sound intriguing...and you can never go wrong with Gold Lions!

Don't know what you're looking at price wise on the EL-84's, but you can't go wrong with some Amperex or Mazda's. Of course there's always the Telefunken's. It all depends on what you like. Shoot Nikolay at Tube Maze an email, he always does a nice job with recommendations.
Carver’s circuit topology is fairly simple. The input signal first passes through a 250k ohm volume control and is then amplified by one half of a 12AX7. The second half of the 12AX7 is configured as a cathodyne phase-splitter. That’s it—no driver stage is used. The push-pull output stage is pentode connected and uses a pair of self-biased El84Ms per channel. I estimated the anode dissipation to be about 11 watts, which is well within the 14W maximum rating of an El84M. Bob Carver indicated that the bias is actually set for a nominal plate dissipation of 10.5 watts to allow for tube variation. Note that the El84M is a mil- spec version of the standard sovtek El84 with extended voltage tolerance, improved plate dissipation, and rugged construction.

I would not recommend substitution of a standard El84, as it is only rated for a maximum dissipation of 12 watts.
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