arc vs115 wow

I been reading about them both , I haven't heard either. But I think your right . For a little more money the ref 150 is pretty nice.
But the vs115 would still look really cool sitting in between my manley snappers.
I would sure save on gas bill this winter :)
I really like my VS110 and to my ears, prefer it to the VS115 which seems a bit more analytical than the VS110 which it replaced. Both are great amps and you just cannot go wrong with ARC!

Late response, but this post is for the benefit of anyone interested in picking up a VS-115 amp. The VS-115 used to be my amp for many years. I since moved up the ARC food chain to the Ref 150 SE. ARC has discontinued making the VS-115.

But if someone is interested in getting into a top flight tube amp, the VS-115 would be a great choice. I think it is a musical, great sounding amp. As regards reliability, other than the rare burned bias resister caused by a tube arc, never had a problem.

My only other caveat is that occasionally a Ref 110 amp comes up for sale. If the price delta is not to large, I'd opt for the Ref 110.

Btw, the KT-120 power tube is a drop in for both amp. IMO, KT-120s are a much better sounding tube than the old stock 6550 "Winged Cs."

I owned the ARC VS-115 and it is a very nice sounding amp. It cost me a bicep tendon when I shipped it, so if I had it to do over again, I would never have sold it.
Mep, I see that you now own the Ref 75. Any comments about how the Ref 75 compares to the VS-115?? Did you ever get around to using KT-120s in the VS-115?

Btw, here's an fyi. ARC has approved the use of KT-150s in the Ref 75. Based on my experience with my Ref 150 (before SE upgrade), I think the KT-150s effected a big improvement. So if you haven't already road tested the KT-150s in your Ref 75, something to think about. BIF
Mep, I see that you now own the Ref 75. Any comments about how the Ref 75 compares to the VS-115?? Did you ever get around to using KT-120s in the VS-115?

Btw, here's an fyi. ARC has approved the use of KT-150s in the Ref 75. Based on my experience with my Ref 150 (before SE upgrade), I think the KT-150s effected a big improvement. So if you haven't already road tested the KT-150s in your Ref 75, something to think about. BIF

I ran my VS-115 with the KT-120 tubes. I'm running my Ref 75 with the KT-150 tubes. I have been a big fan of the KT-150 tubes since I first heard them in the Raven Silhouette monoblock amps that I reviewed some time ago. It's hard for me to tell you the difference in sound between the Ref 75 and the VS-115 if for no other reason that I did not own the Ref 5SE at the time I owned the VS-115. I will just say I'm proud to own the Ref 75 and I would not consider going back to the VS-115.
I hear ya Mep. Btw, you might want to give a thought to having ARC do the SE factory upgrade. It includes a fresh retube plus proprietary circuitry changes. The Ref 75 SE upgrade will not cost you another bicep tendon.

Oregonpapa, a fellow Audiogon member, moved up the ARC food chain from a Ref 75 to a new Ref 75 SE. He's posted quite a few comments about the change. I think he fell in love with his Ref 75 SE and wants to elope ... with his amp. :)

Btw, Marc Mickelson posted side bar comments about the Ref 75 SE in Roy Gregory's recent September 19th TAB review of the ARC Ref 150 SE. MM bought the Ref 75 SE and wrote "f you can live with its 75Wpc and balanced inputs (and you have a $10,000 budget), I don't know of a better amp -- tube or solid state."
I hear ya Mep. Btw, you might want to give a thought to having ARC do the SE factory upgrade. It includes a fresh retube plus proprietary circuitry changes. The Ref 75 SE upgrade will not cost you another bicep tendon.

Oregonpapa, a fellow Audiogon member, moved up the ARC food chain from a Ref 75 to a new Ref 75 SE. He's posted quite a few comments about the change. I think he fell in love with his Ref 75 SE and wants to elope ... with his amp. :)

Btw, Marc Mickelson posted side bar comments about the Ref 75 SE in Roy Gregory's recent September 19th TAB review of the ARC Ref 150 SE. MM bought the Ref 75 SE and wrote "f you can live with its 75Wpc and balanced inputs (and you have a $10,000 budget), I don't know of a better amp -- tube or solid state."

It's still not clear to me what ARC changes out besides adding the KT-150 tubes. The power transformer and output transformers remain unchanged. I asked ARC about the changes, but they are remaining very tight-lipped about what they are really changing out.

Thanks Joe, but Alan doesn't really shed any light on what's been changed out besides the KT-150s. I swapped out to the KT-150s in my Ref 75 some time ago and have been enjoying what they bring to the table. I suspect that Alan is hearing what the KT-150s do for the Ref 75. No doubt they are better sounding than the very good KT-120 tubes.
Thanks Joe, but Alan doesn't really shed any light on what's been changed out besides the KT-150s. I swapped out to the KT-150s in my Ref 75 some time ago and have been enjoying what they bring to the table. I suspect that Alan is hearing what the KT-150s do for the Ref 75. No doubt they are better sounding than the very good KT-120 tubes.

Agreed, I wonder how the GS series differs as well. These seems to be more confusion now than ever. I'm confused and am also tempted to try ARC gear.

What you say is true ... the circuitry aspects of the SE upgrade are a mystery to me too. I got the same explanation when I spoke to Kal before opting to have ARC do the SE upgrade to my Ref 150. Here's a couple of thoughts and observations.

First, Kal told me that the Ref 150 SE SQ is very close to the SQ of the GS 150. Kal mentioned that the Ref 150 SE upgrade incorporates many (most) of the circuitry enhancements made to the GS 150. If you have any interest in continuing your investigation, I suggest you ask Kal to confirm for yourself what he told me. The relevance to the Ref 75 SE is that the same genre of circuit changes made to the Ref 150 SE no doubt are being made to the Ref 75 SE. Here again, ask Kal.

Second, there one or two published reviews of the GS 150. The reviewer(s), as I recall, thought the GS 150 was a better sounding amp than the Ref 150 (not SE). You should be able to find the review(s) by checking the ARC web site or doing a web search. The take-a-way is that if the same circuit changes made to the GS 150 were indeed incorporated into the Ref 150 SE, and presumably, the Ref 75 SE, then you have additional corroborative date to confirm that the mystery changes are not snake oil.

Third. Take a look at Oregonpapa's Ref 75 SE comments on Audiogon. He just became engaged with his Ref 75 SE and plans to elope. :) Another set of data points to consider.

Next to Last. Take a look at Marc Mickelson's side bar comments in Roy Gregory's September 19th review of the Ref 150 SE. I think I quoted MM's comments above. I think RG would like the Ref 75 SE better than the Ref 150 SE because the "75" has beautiful front analogue meters. SIC :)

Last point. Almost forget. ARC did the SE upgrade to my Ref 150. I think the amp sounds a lot better.

I am sure that whatever you decide will be a win-win. Good luck.


Do you remember and can tell me what speakers Oregonpapa is using? I forget.
